Page 19 - Welder - TT - Gujarati
P. 19

Professional  Set GMAW machine  GMAW-01 65 Introduction to safety equipment and  -  Safety precautions in Gas
                        and perform welding in           their use etc.                    Metal Arc Welding and
                 Skill  different types of joints  GMAW-02  66 Setting up of GMAW welding machine  Gas  Tungsten  Arc
               166Hrs;  on MS sheet/plate by             & accessories and striking an arc.  welding.
                        GMAW  in  various
              Professional positions  by  dip  mode   67 Depositing straight line beads on M.S  -  Introduction to GMAW -
                        of  metal  transfer.             Plate.                            equipment - accessories.
                        [different types of joints-   68 Fillet weld - "T"   joint on M.S plate  -  Various  other  names  of
                32Hrs   Fillet (T-joint, lap,            10mm  thick  in  flat  position  by  Dip  the process. (MIG/MAG/
                        Corner), Butt (Square &          transfer. (1F)                    CO  welding.)
                        V);  various  positions-
                        1F,  2F,  3F,4F,  1G,  2G,  GMAW-03 69 Fillet weld - Lap   joint on M.S. sheet  -  Advantages of GMAW
                        3G]                             3mm thick in flat position by Dip  welding over SMAW ,
                                                        transfer. (1F)                     limitations and applica-
                                                     70 Fillet weld -   "T" joint on M.S. sheet  tions
                                                        3mm thick in flat position by Dip  -  Process variables of
                                            GMAW-05     transfer. (1F)                     GMAW.
                                                     71 Fillet weld -   corner joint on M.S. sheet
                                                        3mm thick in flat position by Dip
                                                        transfer. (1F)

                                            GMAW-06 72 Butt weld - Square butt joint on M.S  -  Wire feed system - types
                                                        sheet  3mm thick  in flat position (1G)  - care and maintenance.
                                                     73 Butt weld - Single "V" butt joint on M.S  -  Welding  wires  used  in
                                                        plate 10 mm thick by Dip transfer   in  GMAW, standard diam-
                                                        flat position. (1G)                eter and codification as
                                                                                           per AWS.

                                            GMAW-08 74 Fillet weld - "T"   joint on M.S plate  -  Name of shielding gases
                                                        10mm thick   in Horizontal position by  used in GMAW and its
                                                        Dip transfer. (2F)                 applications.
                                                     75 Fillet weld -   corner joint on M.S plate  -  Flux cored arc welding - de-
                                                        10mm thick in Horizontal position by  scription, advantage, weld-
                                                        Dip transfer. (2F)                 ing  wires,  coding  as  per

                                            GMAW-10 76 Fillet weld -   "T"   joint on M.S. sheet  -  Edge preparation of vari-
                                                        3mm thick in Horizontal position by  ous thicknesses of met-
                                                        Dip transfer. (2F)                 als for GMAW.
                                                     77 Fillet weld -   corner joint on M.S.  -  GMAW  defects, causes
                                                        sheet 3mm thick in Horizontal      and  remedies
                                                        position by Dip transfer. (2F)

                                            GMAW-12  78 Fillet weld - "T"   joint on M.S plate  -  Heat input and tech-
                                                        10mm  thick      in  vertical  position  by  niques of controlling heat
                                                        Dip transfer. (3F)                 input during welding.
                                                     79 Fillet weld -   corner joint on M.S plate  -  Heat distribution and ef-
                                                        10mm thick in vertical position by dip  fect of faster cooling
                                                        transfer. (3F)
                                            GMAW-14  80 Fillet weld - Lap   joint on M.S. sheet  -  Pre heating  & Post Weld
                                                        3mm thick in vertical position by Dip  Heat Treatment
                                                        transfer. (3F)                  -  Use of temperature indi-
                                                     81 Fillet weld -   corner joint on M.S. sheet  cating crayons.
                                                        3mm thick in vertical position by Dip
                                                        transfer. (3F)
                                            GMAW-16   82 Fillet weld - Lap and "T" joint on M.S  -  Submerged arc welding
                                                         sheet 3mm thick inoverhead position  process  -principles,
                                            GMAW-17      by   Dip transfer. (4F)           equipment, advantages
                                                      83 Tee Joints on MS Pipe Ø 60 mm OD  and  limitations
                                                         x 3 mm WT 1G position - Arc constant

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