Page 18 - Welder - TT - Gujarati
P. 18

( T-joint, lap & Corner),  SMAW-20 48 Pipe welding butt joint on MS pipe Ø  -  Welding of low, medium
                   Butt  (Square  &  V);           50 and 5 mm WT.  in 1G position.   and high carbon steel
                   different position - 1F,  SMAW-21  49 Fillet Lap joint on M.S. plate 10 mm  and alloy steels.
                   2F, 3F,4F, 1G, 2G, 3G,          thick in over head position. (4G).
                   Set the SMAW machine  SMAW-22 50 Single "V" Butt joint on MS plate  -  Stainless  steel  types-
                   and perform welding in          10mm  thick    inover  head        weld    decay   and
                   different  types  of  MS        position(4G)                       weldability.
                   pipe joints by SMAW.  SMAW-23  51 Pipe butt joint on M. S. pipe Ø 50mm
                   [Different  types  of  MS       WT 6mm (1G Rolled).
                   pipe joints - Butt, Elbow,
                   T-joint, angle (45 ) joint,
                   flange joint]

        Professional  Choose appropriate  OAW-17  52 Butt joint of copper pipe ½ inch by  -  Induction  welding,
                   welding process and             brazing process by induction       brazing of copper tubes.
          Skill 25  perform joining of  SMAW-24    welding machine                 -  Brass - types - proper-
           Hrs;    different types of metals  OAW-18  53 Square Butt joint on S.S. Sheet 2 mm  ties  and  welding
                   and    check     its            thick in flat position. (1G)       methods.
        Professional  c o r r e c t n e s s .
                   [appropriate welding         54 Corner/T joint of copper pipe of ½  -  Copper - types - proper-
        Knowledge                                  inch and of length 75 mm           ties  and    welding
                   process - OAW, SMAW;
          04Hrs    Different metal - SS, CI,                                          methods.
                   Brass, Aluminium]                                               -  Brazing cutting tools.

         Professional  Choose appropriate  OAW-19  55 Square Butt & Lap joint on M.S. sheet  -  Aluminium properties and
                   welding process and             2 mm thick by brazing in flat position.  weldability, Welding meth-
           Skill   perform  joining  of  SMAW-25  56 Single "V" butt joint C.I. plate 6mm thick  ods
          21Hrs;   different types of metals  AG-01  in flat position. (1G)        -  Arc cutting & gouging,
                   and    check     its
         Professional correctness.              57 Arc gouging on MS plate 10 mm thick.
                   [appropriate welding
                   process - OAW, SMAW;
           04Hrs   Different metal - SS, CI,
                   Brass, Aluminium]
                   Demonstrate     arc
                   gauging  operation  to
                   rectify the weld joints.

        Professional  Choose  appropriate  OAW-20  58 Square Butt joint on Aluminium sheet.  -  Cast iron and its proper-
                   welding  process  and           3 mm thick in flat position.       ties types.
           Skill   perform  joining  of  OAW-21  59 Bronze welding of cast iron (Single "V"  -  Welding methods of cast
          20Hrs;   different types of metals       butt joint) 6mm thick plate (1G).  iron.
                   and    check     its
        Professional  correctness.
        Knowledge  [appropriate  welding
                   process - OAW, SMAW;
          04Hrs    Different metal - SS, CI,
                   Brass, Aluminium]

         Professional  Test welded joints by  I&T-02  60 Dye penetrant test.       -  Types of Inspection meth-
                   different  methods  of       61 Magnetic particle test.            ods
          Skill 25  testing.  [different  I&T-03  62 Nick- break test.             -  Classification of destruc-
           Hrs;    methods of testing- Dye  I&T-04                                    tive and NDT methods
                   penetration    test,         63 Free bend test.
         Professional  Magnetic particle test,  I&T-05  64 Fillet fracture test.   -  Welding economics and
                                                                                      Cost estimation.
         Knowledge  Nick break test, Free  I&T-06
                   band test, Fillet fracture
          04Hrs    test]

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