Page 17 - Welder - TT - Gujarati
P. 17

OAW-10    33 Fusion  run  with  filler  rod  in  vertical  -  Oxy acetylene gas weld-
                                                       position on 2mm thick M.S sheet.     ing Systems (Low pres-
                                                    34 Square Butt joint on M.S. sheet. 2 mm  sure and High pressure).
                                                       thick in vertical position (3G)      Difference between gas
                                          OAW-11    35 Single Vee Butt joint on M.S. plate 12  welding blow pipe(LP
                                                       mm thick in horizontal position (2G).  &HP)  and  gas  cutting
                                                                                            blow pipe
                                          SMAW-11                                        -  Gas welding techniques.
                                                                                            Rightward and Leftward

                                          SMAW-12 36 Fillet "T" joint on M.S sheet 2 mm thick in  -  Arc blow - causes and
                                                      vertical position. (3F)               methods of controlling.
                                                   37 Fillet "T" joint on M.S. plate 10 mm thick in  -  Distortion in arc & gas
                                          SMAW-13     vertical position. (3F)               welding  and  methods
                                                                                            employed  to  minimize
                                                                                         -  Arc  Welding  defects,
                                                                                            causes  and  Remedies.

              Professional  Set   the   SMAW  OAW-13  38 Structural pipe welding butt joint on MS  -  Specification of pipes,
                        machine      and              pipe Ø 50 and 3mm WT in 1G position.  various  types  of  pipe
               Skill 80  perform different type  SMAW-14  39 Fillet Lap joint on M.S. Plate 10 mm in  joints, pipe welding all po-
                 Hrs;   of joints on MS in            vertical position. (3G)              sitions, and procedure.
                        different position                                               -  Difference  between  pipe
              Professional  observing  standard                                            welding and plate
                        procedure. [different
              Knowledge                                                                    welding.
                        types of joints- Fillet (
                17Hrs   T-joint, lap & Corner),  SMAW-15  40 Open Corner joint on MS plate 10 mm  -  Pipe development for El-
                        Butt (Square & V);            thick in vertical position. (2F)     bow joint, "T" joint, Y joint
                        different position - 1F,   41 Pipe welding - Elbow joint on MS pipe Ø  and  branch joint
                        2F, 3F,4F, 1G, 2G, 3G,  OAW-14  50 and 3mm WT. (1G)              -  Brief use of Manifold
                        4G]                                                                system
                        Perform  welding  in
                        different types of MS  OAW-15  42 Pipe welding "T" joint on MS pipe Ø 50  -  Gas  welding  filler  rods,
                        pipe joints by Gas            and 3mm WT.  (1G)                     specifications and sizes.
                        welding   (OAW).  SMAW-16                                        -  Gas welding fluxes - types
                        [Different types of MS                                              and functions.
                        pipe  joints  -  Butt,
                        Elbow, T-joint, angle      43 Single "V" Butt joint on MS plate12 mm  -  Gas Brazing & Soldering :
                        (45°) joint, flange           thick in vertical position (3G).     principles, types  fluxes &
                        joint]                                                             uses
                                                                                         -  Gas welding defects,
                                                                                           causes  and  remedies

                                          OAW-16   44 Pipe welding 45 ° angle  joint on MS pipe  -  Electrode  :  types,  func-
                                                      Ø 50 and 3mm WT. (1G)                tions of flux, coating fac-
                                                   45 Straight line beads on M.S. plate 10mm  tor, sizespecifications of
                                          SMAW-17                                          electrode, Coding of elec-
                                                      thick in over head position.
                                                                                           trode as per BIS, AWS,
                                                                                         -  Effects of moisture pick
                                                                                         -  Storage and baking of

              Professional  Set the SMAW  SMAW-18  46 Pipe Flange joint  on M.S plate with MS  -  Weldability of metals,
                        machine      and              pipe Ø 50 mm X 3mm WT (1F)           importance of pre heating,
                 Skill  perform different type     47 Fillet "T" joint on M.S. plate 10 mm thick  post heating   and
                61Hrs;  of joints on MS in  SMAW-19   in over head position. (4F)          maintenance of inter pass
                        different position                                                 temperature.
              Professional  observing standard
                        procedure. [different
                        types of joints- Fillet

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