Page 15 - Welder - TT - Gujarati
P. 15


               Duration      Ref. Learning        Process     Professional Skills         Professional Knowledge
                               Outcome             Code        (Trade Practical)               (Trade Theory)
                                                             with Indicative hours

              Professional  Set the gas welding plant and  1  Demonstration of Machinery  -  Importance of Trade
                         join MS sheet in different           used in the trade             Training
              Skill 47Hrs; position     [Different         2  Identification to safety   -  General discipline in the
              Professional  position:1F,  2F,  3F,  1G,  2G,  equipment and their use etc.  Institute
              Knowledge  Set      the     SMAW             3  Hack  sawing, filing  square  -  Elementary First Aid
                                                              to dimensions
                11Hrs    machine   and   perform           4  Marking out on MS plate and  -  Importance of welding in
                         different type of joints on MS                                     industry
                         in different position observing      punching                   -  Safety  precautions  in
                         standard procedure [different                                      Shielded  Metal  Arc
                         types of joints- Fillet (T-joint,                                  Welding, and Oxy -
                         lap & Corner), Butt (Square &                                      Acetylene Welding and
                         V); different position - 1F, 2F,                                   Cutting.
                         3F,4F, 1G, 2G, 3G, 4G]            5  Setting of oxy-acetylene  -  Introduction and definition
                                                             welding equipment, Lighting   of welding.
                                                             and setting of flame.      -  Arc and Gas Welding
                                                           6  Perform  fusion  run  without  Equipments, tools  and
                                                             filler rod on MS sheet 2mm    accessories.
                                                             thick in flat position.    -  Various      Welding
                                                           7  Setting  up  of  Arc  welding  Processes  and   its
                                                             machine & accessories and     applications.
                                                             striking an arc.           -  Arc and Gas Welding
                                                           8  Deposit straight line bead on  terms and definitions.
                                                             MS plate in flat position.

              Professional  Set the gas welding plant and  9  Depositing bead with filler rod  -  Different process of metal
                         join MS sheet in different  OAW-02  on M.S. sheet 2 mm thick in flat  joining methods: Bolting,
              Skill 21Hrs;  position following safety        position.                     riveting, soldering, brazing,
              Professional  precautions.  [Different                                       seaming etc.
                         position: - 1F, 2F, 3F, 1G, 2G,  OAW-03                        -  Types  of  welding  joints
              Knowledge  3G.]                             10 Edge joint on MS sheet 2 mm   and its applications. Edge
                                                             thick in flat position without filler
                05Hrs                                        rod.                          preparation  and  fit  up  for
                                                                                           different thickness.
                                                                                        -  Surface Cleaning

              Professional  Set the SMAW machine and  SMAW-02 11 Straight  line  beads  on  M.S.  -  Basic electricity applicable
                         perform different type of joints    plate 10 mm thick in flat    to arc welding and related
              Skill 23Hrs; on  MS  in  different  position   position.                    electrical terms &defini-
              Professional  observing   standard                                          tions.
                         procedure. [different types of  SMAW-03                        -  Heat and temperature and
              Knowledge joints- Fillet (  T-joint, lap &  12 Weaved  bead  on  M.  S  plate  its terms related to weld-
                         Corner), Butt (Square & V);         10mm thick in flat position.
                05Hrs                                                                     ing
                         different position - 1F, 2F,
                         3F,4F, 1G, 2G, 3G, 4G]                                         -  Principle of arc welding.
                                                                                          And characteristics of arc.

              Professional  Set the oxy- acetylene cutting  OAGC-01  13 Setting up of oxy-acetylene and  -  Common gases used for
                         plant  and  perform  different      make straight cuts (freehand)  welding & cutting, flame
                 Skill   cutting operations on MS  OAGC-02  14 Perform marking and straight  temperatures and uses.
                23Hrs;   plate. [Different cutting           line cutting of MS plate 10 mm  -  Types of oxy-acetylene
                         operation - Straight, Bevel,        thick by gas. Accuracy within  flames and uses.
              Professional  circular]                        ±2mm.                      -  Oxy-Acetylene  Cutting
              Knowledge                          OAGC-03   15 Beveling of MS plates 10 mm  Equipment  principle,  pa-
                                                             thick,   cutting  regular     rameters and application.
                                                             geometrical  shapes  and
                                                             irregular shapes, cutting
                                                             chamfers by gas cutting.

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