Page 16 - Welder - TT - Gujarati
P. 16

OAGC-04  16 Marking and perform radial cuts, cutting
                                                out holes using oxy-acetylene gas
                                             17 Identify cutting defects viz., distortion,
                                    OAGC-05     grooved, fluted  or  ragged  cuts;  poor
                                                draglines; rounded edges;  tightly
                                                adhering slag.

        Professional  Set the gas welding  OAW-04  18 Square butt joint on M.S. sheet 2 mm  -  Arc welding power
                  plant  and  join  MS          thick in flat Position. (1G)          sources: Transformer,
          Skill   sheet in different          19. Fillet "T" joint on M.S. Plate 10 mm thick  Rectifier and Inverter type
         126Hrs;  position following  SMAW-04   in flat position. (1F)                welding  machines  and
                  safety precautions.                                                 its care &maintenance..
        Professional  [Different position: -  OAW-05  20. Open corner joint on MS sheet 2 mm  -  Advantages and disad-
                                                thick in flat Position (1F)
        Knowledge  1F,  2F,  3F,  1G,  2G,                                            vantages of A.C. and D.C.
                  3G.]                                                                welding machines
          31Hrs   Set the SMAW
                  machine      and  SMAW-05   21 Fillet lap joint on M.S. plate 10 mm thick  -  Welding positions as per
                  perform different             in flat position. (1F)                EN &ASME: flat, horizon-
                  type of joints on MS        22 Fillet "T" joint on MS sheet 2 mm thick in  tal, vertical and over head
                  in  different  position  OAW-06  flat position. (1F)                position.
                  observing standard          23 Open Corner joint on MS plate 10 mm  -  Weld slope and rotation.
                  procedure. [different  SMAW-06  thick in flat position. (1F)     -  Welding symbols as per
                  types of joints- Fillet                                             BIS & AWS.
                  (  T-joint, lap &
                  Corner),     Butt  OAW-07  24 Fillet Lap joint on MS sheet 2 mm thick  -  Arc length - types - effects
                  (Square   &   V);             in flat position. (1F)                of arc length.
                  different position -
                  1F, 2F, 3F,4F, 1G, 2G,  SMAW-07  25 Single   "V" Butt joint on MS plate 12 mm  -  Polarity: Types and appli-
                  3G, 4G]                       thick in flat position (1G).          cations.
                                             26 Testing  of  weld  joints  by  visual  -  Weld quality inspection,
                                                inspection.                           common welding mis-
                                             27 Inspection of welds by using weld     takes  and  appearance
                                                gauges.                               of good and defective
                                                                                   -  Weld gauges & its uses.
                                    OAW-08   28 Square Butt joint on M.S. sheet. 2 mm  -  Calcium carbide uses
                                                thick in Horizontal position. (2G)     and hazard.
                                    SMAW-08  29 Straight line beads and multi layer  -  Acetylene  gas  proper-
                                                practice on M.S. Plate 10 mm thick in  ties  and  flash  back  ar-
                                                Horizontal position.                   restor.
                                    SMAW-09  30 Fillet "T" joint on M.S. plate 10 mm thick
                                                in Horizontal position. (2F)

                                    OAW-09   31 Fillet Lap joint on M.S. sheet 2 mm thick  -  Oxygen gas and its prop-
                                                in horizontal position (2F)           erties, uses in welding.
                                                                                   -  Charging process of oxy-
                                                                                      gen and acetylene gases

                                    SMAW-10   32 Fillet Lap joint on M.S. plate 10 mm thick  -  Oxygen  and  Dissolved
                                                in horizontal position.  (2F)         Acetylene gas cylinders
                                                                                      and  Color  coding  for
                                                                                      different gas cylinders.
                                                                                   -  Uses of single  and
                                                                                      double   stage   Gas

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