Page 21 - Welder - TT - Gujarati
P. 21

Professional  Perform joining of  OAW-01  97 Square butt joint on Copper sheet  -  Metalizing - types of met-
                        different similar and            2mm thick in flat position. (1G)   alizing principles.
               Skill 41  dissimilar metals by  OAW-02  98 "T"  joint on Copper to MS sheet  -  Manual Oxy - acetylene

                 Hrs;   brazing operation as             2mm thick  in flat position by     powder       coating
                        per        standard                                                 process- principles of
              Professional procedure.  [different        Brazing (1F)                       operation       and
              Knowledge  similar and dissimilar                                             applications
                        metals-  Copper,  MS,
                10Hrs   SS]                 OAW-03    99 Silver  brazing  on  S.S  Sheet  with  -  Reading of assembly
                                                        copper sheet "T" joint.            drawing
                                                      100 Silver brazing on copper tube to tube.  -  Welding  Procedure
                                                                                           Specification (WPS) and
                                                                                           Procedure Qualification
                                                                                           Record ( PQR)

              Professional  Repair  Cast  Iron  OAW-05  101Repair welding of broken C.I.  -  Hard facing/ surfacing
                        machine   parts   by             machine  parts  by  oxy-acetylene  necessity, surface pre
              Skill 24Hrs; selecting appropriate  SMAW-01  welding with C.I and bronze filler rod.  paration,  various  hard
              Professional  welding  process.         102Repair welding of broken C.I machine  facing alloys and a
                        [Appropriate welding  SMAW-02    parts by C.I. electrode.           dvantages of hard facing.
              Knowledge process- OAW, SMAW]           103 Repair plastic broken parts or pipes  -  Plastic welding machine
                01Hrs   Hard facing of alloy steel       by plastic welding machine.        with  hot  air  gun  and
                        components / MS rod by        104.Make a plastic tank with plastic sheet  plastic material:
                        using hard facing                                                   Polypropylene (PP)
                        electrode.                       of PVC. Dimensions 150*100*100
                                                                                            Polyethylene (PE)
                                                                                            Polyvinylchloride (PVC)

                                                          QR CODE

               Ex. No. 1.1.03    Ex. No. 1.1.05   Ex. No. 1.1.07  Ex. No. 1.1.11   Ex. No. 1.1.17  Ex. No. 1.1.18

                                                         MODULE 2

               Ex. No. 1.2.19    Ex. No. 1.2.21   Ex. No. 1.2.22  Ex. No. 1.2.23   Ex. No. 1.2.24  Ex. No. 1.2.25
                                                         MODULE 3

              Ex. No. 1.3.35  Ex. No. 1.3.38   Ex. No. 1.3.39  Ex. No. 1.3.40   Ex. No. 1.3.49 & 50 Ex. No. 1.3.58

                                                         MODULE 4

                                                       Ex. No. 1.4.62 & 63

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