Page 15 - Content.pmd
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T«t£ Gi                                        T«t£                                      TdL Gi

                 1.7.97       úNôpPo LûPRp: NÕW, @©pXhÓs[, ùTùYpÓ,
                              @©pXhÓs[ AuPo Lh, NÕW ùTYpÓ LûPNp (Shoulder
                              turn : Square, filleted, beveled under cut shoulder, turning-filleted under cut,
                              square beveled)                                                             358
                 1.7.98       £e¡p Tô«ih åûX áoûUVôdÏRp
                              (Sharpening of - single point tools)                                        364

                 1.7.99       dìqLs ùYhÓRp - NÕW, Yû[kR ‘V’ Y¥Y ¿iP Ts[m
                              (Cut grooves - square, round ‘V’ groove)                                    367

                1.7.100       T¦lùTôÚ°p SoXõe HtTÓjÕRp (Knurl the job)                                    369
                1.7.101       Õû[Lû[ úTô¬e ùNnRp - úTô¬e åpLû[ TVuTÓj§
                              vTôh úT£e, ûTXh Õû[«Ó, Õû[ ùT¬RôdÏRp
                              (Bore holes - spot face, pilot drill, enlarge hole using boring tools)      372
                1.7.102       úPTo Po²e ùNnRp (Eh×\m Utßm ùY°l×\m)
                              Turn taper (internal and external)                                          377
                1.7.103       úPTo ©u - I  Po²e ùNnRp (Turn taper pin)                                    382

                1.7.104       vPôuPoh úPToLû[ Po²e ùNnÕ úLwLÞdÏ
                              ùTôÚjRUôL AûUjRp (Turn standard tapers  to suit with gauge)                 384

                1.7.105       ûLLû[d ùLôiÓ LûPNp CVk§Wj§p úPlLs, ûPLs
                              TVuTÓj§ UûW«P T«t£ ùNnRp (Practice threading using taps,
                              dies on lathe by hand)                                                      387

                1.7.106       ùY°l×\ ‘V’ UûW ùNnRp (Make external ‘V’ thread)                             389
                1.7.107       §ÚÏ Sh RVôo ùNnÕ Utßm §ÚÏ RiÓûPd ùLôiÓ
                              CûQjRp (Prepare a nut and match with the bolt)                              394

                              Tϧ 8 : A¥lTûP TWôU¬l× (Basic Maintenance)
                1.8.108       G°V TÝÕ TWôU¬l× T¦ ×Þ ©¬ih ùLôiÓ G°V
                              CVk§W TôLj§û] JÚe¡ûQjRp (Simple repair work - simple
                              assembly of machine parts from blue prints)                                 397
                1.8.109       AùNm©s ùNnÙm úTôÕ TÝÕLs HtTP
                              Yônl×s[ûYLû[ N¬ ùNnRp (Rectify possible assembly faults
                              during assembly)                                                            400
                1.8.110       N¬Tôol× Th¥Vp êXm YZdLUô] TWôU¬jRûX ùNnRp
                              (Perform the routine maintenance with check list)                           408

                1.8.111       YZdLUô] úNôRû] Th¥VXõuT¥ CVk§WjûR
                              LiLô¦jRp (Monitor machine as per routine check list)                        411

                1.8.112       AÝjRUô², ùYlT¨ûXUô² A[®, B«p A[Ü LiP±Rp
                              /A[®ÓRp  (Read pressure gauge, temperature gauge, oil level)                413
                1.8.113       ¨ÙúU¥d AûUl©p AÝjRjûR AûUjRp (Set pressure in
                              pneumatic system)                                                           414
                1.8.114       PYp ©uLs Utßm úLl vÏìdLû[d ùLôiÓ Pôod ¬uf
                              TVuTÓj§ G°V AùNmT°ûV HtTÓjÕRp (Assemble simple
                              fitting using dowel pins and cap screw assembly using torque wrench)        415

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