Page 13 - Content.pmd
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T«t£ Gi T«t£ TdL Gi
1.5.63 úL_óL°u Y¥YûUl×LÞdÏ Ht\Yôß BW Utßm
AûUl×LÞdÏ ûTXõe ùNnRp (File radius and profile to suit gauge) 260
1.5.64 ¥¬p LÚ®Lû[ áoûUVôdÏRp (Sharpening of drills) 263
1.5.65 úLôQ A[®ÓRXõp ETLWQj§û]l TVuTÓj§ T«t£
ùNnRp (Practice use of angular measuring instrument) 270
1.5.66 LÜuPo£ed, LÜuPo Õû[ Utßm Ãm v©Xõh ©h
(êuß ÕiÓLû[l ùTôÚjRp) (Counter sink, counter bore and ream
split fit (three piece fitting)) 272
1.5.67 ØÝ ¿[ Õû[ Utßm TϧV[Ü Õû[«ÓRp (Drill through hole
and blind holes) 277
1.5.68 ¨ûXVô] A[ÜLÞdÏ úPlLs ùLôiÓ Eh×\ Uû\Ls
EÚYôdÏRp (Øݨ[ Õû[Ls Utßm ϱl©hP BZ
Õû[Ls) (Form internal threads with taps to standard size) (through holes
and blind holes) 280
1.5.69 vùPh Utßm úTôph RVôo ùNnRp (Prepare studs and bolt) 282
1.5.70 ¨ûXVô] A[Ü®tÏ ûPLû[d ùLôiÓ ùY°l×\ Uû\Lû[
EÚYôdÏRp (Form external threads with dies to standard size) 286
1.5.71 Nuts EtTj§ ùNnÕ Bolt’s EPu ùTôÚjÕRp (Prepare nuts and
match with bolts) 288
1.5.72 vùPl ©h, BeÏXo ©h, BeÏs, úUtTWl×Ls ûTXõe
ùNnÕ ùTôÚjÕRp (ùTYp úL_ó 1 ¥¡¬dÏ Õp XõVm) (File and
make step fit, angular fit, angle, surfaces) (bevel gauge accuracy 1 degree) 291
1.5.73 G°V §\kR Utßm SLÚm ùTôÚjÕTûYLû[ EÚYôdÏRp
(Make simple open and sliding fits) 294
1.5.74 Õû[ ùT¬RôdÏRp Utßm Eh×\®hPj§û] A§L¬jRp
(Enlarge hole and increase internal dia) 297
1.5.75 EÚû[«u úUtTWl©p ûTXõe ùNnRp (File cylindrical surfaces) 299
1.5.76 Yû[Ü AûUl×d ùLôiP §\kR ùTôÚjÕRûX ùNnRp
(Make open fitting of curved profiles) 301
1.5.77 ØuúT Õû[«PlThP AûUlûTd ùLôiÓ
Õû[dLÚ®«u AûU®Pj§²p §ÚjRmùNnRp (Correction
of drill location by binding previously drilled hole) 304
1.5.78 Eh×\ NÕW ùTôÚjÕRûX EÚYôdÏRp (Make inside square fit) 306
Tϧ 6 : ùTôÚjÕRp úLôoj§ûQl× (Fitting Assembly)
1.6.79 SLÚm ‘T’ ùTôÚjÕRûX EÚYôdÏRp (Make sliding ‘T’ fit) 308
1.6.80 §\kR¨ûX BeÏXo Utßm SLÚm TWl× B¡V JÚe¡ûQkR
TϧLû[ ûTXõe ùNnÕ ùTôÚjÕRp (File fit - combined, open
angular and sliding sides) 311
1.6.81 §\kR¨ûX úLôQ AûUl×Lû[ 30 (minutes) ÕpXõVj§tÏ
Eh×\ úLôQeLû[ ûTXõe ùNnÕ ùTôÚjÕRp (File internal
angles 30 minutes accuracy open, angular fit) 313