Page 10 - Content.pmd
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T«t£ Gi T«t£ TdL Gi
1.2.14 ùLôÓdLlThP A[ÜLÞdÏ úLôÓLs YûWRp, N¬VôL
ûYv RôûPL°p ©¥jRp, YûWVlThP A[ÜLÞdÏ HtT
AßjùRÓjRp (Marking out lines, gripping suitably in vice jaws,
hacksawing to given dimensions) 31
1.2.15 TpúYß ÏßdÏ ùYhÓ Y¥YØûPV ùTôÚhLû[ AßjRp
(Sawing different types of metals of different sections) 37
1.2.16 úN]p TdLeLû[ CûQVôL ûTXõe ùNnRp (Filing channel,
parallel) 42
AÜhûNÓ LôXõTûW ùLôiÓ A[jRp (Measuring with
outside calipers) (QR Code Pg. No.45) * 45
1.2.17 NUR[UôLÜm Utßm ùNeÏjRôLÜm ûTXõe(úRôWôVUô]
ÕpXõVjRuûU Filing flat and square (rough finish) 47
1.2.18 ûTXõe TZÏRp, ùY°lTWl× ûTXõe, Bh ùXd LôXõTo
Utßm v¼p ìp úSo Utßm CûQ úLôÓLs YûWRp
(Filing practice, surface filing, marking of straight and parallel lines with odd leg
caliper and steel rule) 49
1.2.19 ¥ûYPo, Bh ùXd LôXõTo Utßm v¼p ìûX TVuTÓj§
YhPm, Yû[Ü, CûQ úLôÓLs YûWRp (Marking practice with
dividers, odd leg calipers and steel rule (circles, arcs, parallel lines)) 51
1.2.20 v¡ûW©e ©[ôd Utßm ¥ûYPo I TVuTÓj§ úSo
úLôÓLs Utßm Yû[ÜLû[ YûWRp (Marking off straight
lines and arcs using scribing block and dividers) (QR Code Pg. No.54) * 54
NoúTv úLw I TVuTÓj§ CûQúLôÓLs YûWRp
(Marking parallel lines using surface gauge) (QR Code Pg. No.56) * 56
1.2.21 ϱdLlThP úLôh¥û] Jh¥ ¡ûPUhPUô] TWlûT
ùNÕd¡ EÚYôdÏRp (Chipping flat surfaces along a marked line) 57
1.2.22 ϱjRp, ûTXõe, RhûPVô] TWl×, Utßm êûX UhPjûR
TVuTÓj§ AYtû\ úNô§jRp (Marking, filing, flat square and
check using Try - square) 60
1.2.23 G°V YûWTPm ùLôiÓ Õû[Ls, CÚl©P ¨ûX, úSo
úLôÓLs úTôu\ûYLû[ ÑiQôm× éfÑ é£ T¦lùTôÚs
ÁÕ Uôod¡e ùNnRp. (Marking according to simple blue prints for locating
position of holes, scribing lines on chalked surfaces with marking tools) 61
1.2.24 'V' ©[ôd Utßm Uôod¡e ©[ôd ER®ÙPu EÚû[«u
ûUVm LiP±Rp (Finding center of round bar with the help of
‘V’ block and marking block) (QR Code Pg. No.65) * 65
1.2.25 Ktû\ Yû[Üd úLôh¥tÏ úSWô] úLôÓ CûQjRp (Joining
straight line to an arc) 67
1.2.26 £l©e, úNmT¬e, £l NXôh Utßm B«p Ïìq (Chipping,
chamfering, chip slots and oil grooves) 72
1.2.27 ± 0.5 mm ÕpXõVj§tÏ NUUhPUô], NÕW Utßm TdL CûQ
Y¥Yj§tÏ ûTXõe ùNnRp (Filing flat, square and parallel to an
accuracy of ±0.5mm) 74