Page 11 - Content.pmd
P. 11
T«t£ Gi T«t£ TdL Gi
1.2.28 Yû[kR úLôÓL°u ÁÕ £l ùNnRp þ TpúYß úLôQeL°p
¸þúY Uôod¡e ùNnÕ ¸þúY Lh ùNnRp (Chip curve along a
line - mark out, keyways at various angles and cut key ways) 76
1.2.29 £Np áoûUVôdÏRp (Sharpening of chisel) 78
1.2.30 0.5 ªÁþu ÕpXõVj§tÏ ùUpXõV EúXôLj§û] ûTXõe
ùNnRp (File thin metal to an accuracy of 0.5mm) 81
1.2.31 TpúYß YûLVô] ÏßdÏ ùYhÓl TWl×d ùLôiP EúXôL
TϧL°u úUp úSWô] úLôÓ, Yû[Üs[ úLôh¥u úUp
AßjRp (Saw along a straight line, curved line, on different sections of metals) 83
BWjûR N¬ TôojRp (Checking the radius) (QR Code Pg. No.86) * 86
1.2.32 ûUpÓ v¼pþúLôQ ÏßdÏ ùYhÓ TWl× Utßm G.I-. YhP
ÏßdÏ ùYhÓl TWl×d ùLôiP ÏZô«u úUtTWl©p úSWôL
AßjRp (Straight saw on thick section of M.S.angle and pipe) 87
úLôQ ûUpÓ v¼p (M.S) T¦lùTôÚ°u ÁÕ A[Ü
ϱjÕ BdNô«e ùNnRp (QR Code Pg. No.88) * 88
1.2.33 ± 0.25 ªÁþu ÕpXõVj§tÏ vêj ûTp ùLôiÓ T¥ AûUl×
T¦lùTôÚ°u ÁÕ ûTXõe ùNnÕ ¨û\Ü ùNnRp
(File steps and finish with smooth file to accuracy of ±0.25mm) 89
1.2.34 M.S. NÕWm Utßm NÕW ÏZôn T¦lùTôÚ°u úUp
BdNô«e Utßm ûTXõe ùNnRp (File and saw on M.S. square and
pipe) 91
1.2.35 ϱdLlThP úLôÓ (ϯ Utßm Ï®)þ®òúP BWm ûTXõe
ùNnRp Utßm JÚe¡ûQjRp (File radius along a marked line (convex
and concave) and match) 93
1.2.36 EúXôL RLÓ ùNÕdÏRp (LjR§¬jRp) (Chip sheet metal (shearing)) 96
1.2.37 vùPl AûUl× ùNÕdÏRp Utßm ûTXõe úRnjRp
(Chip step and file) 98
1.2.38 Õû[Ls ϱl©hÓ Utßm Õû[«ÓRp (Mark off and drill through
holes) 99
1.2.39 M.S. RLh¥u úUp Õû[«hÓ Uû\«ÓRp (Drill and tap on M.S.flat) 102
1.2.40 GÝjÕ Utßm Gi Øj§ûW«ÓRp (GÝjÕ Øj§ûW Utßm
Gi Øj§ûW) (Punch letter and number (letter punch and number punch)) 105
1.2.41 ùYqúYß TufLs TVuTÓjÕRp êXm T«t£ ùNnRp
(Practice use of different punches) 107
Tϧ 3 : EúXôLj RLÓ (Sheet Metal)
1.3.42 úSWô] úLôÓLs, YhPeLs, Yû[ÜLs Utßm
TpúYß Y¥®Vp EÚYeL°p ϱjRp, ©\Ï ùYhÓm
LÚ® (A) LjR¬ (Snips) ùLôiÓ RLÓLû[ ùYhÓRp
(Marking of straight lines, circles, profiles and various geometrical shapes and
cutting the sheets with snips) 109
1.3.43 G°ûUVô] EÚYôdLj§u ϱl©ÓRp (Marking out of simple
development) 125
1.3.44 NôpP¬e Utßm vYh¥e úYûXLÞdÏ flaps I ϱl©ÓRp
(Marking out for flaps for soldering and sweating) 131