Page 12 - Content.pmd
P. 12

T«t£ Gi                                        T«t£                                       TdL Gi

           1.3.45        TpúYß RLW EúXôL CûQl×Ls (Various sheet metal joints)                       139

           1.3.46        aôúXô Utßm NôXõh Tgf LÚ®Ls TVuTÓj§ Tg£e
                         ùNnRp (Punch holes using hollow and solid punches)                         159
           1.3.47        úXl Utßm Th  CûQl×Lû[ ùNnRp (Do lap and butt joints)                       164
           1.3.48        EúXôLj RLh¥û] ùYqúYß Y¥YeL°p Yû[jÕ ×]p
                         (Funnel) ùNnRp, Lm©«u ®°m×L°p úSWô], Yû[kR
                         EúXôL RLûP Be¡p vúPdv êXm U¥jÕ EÚYôdÏRp
                         (Bend sheet metal into various curvature forms - Funnel) Wired edges - Straight
                         and curves, fold sheet metal at angle using stakes                         168
           1.3.49        Lm©Ùs[ ®°m×Pu á¥V G°V NÕW ùLôsLXu
                         EÚYôdÏRp Utßm ûLl©¥ûV ùTôÚjÕRp (Make simple square
                         container with wired edge and fix handle)                                  170

           1.3.50        NÕW NôpPo ùNnR êûXLû[d ùLôiÓ NÕW RhÓ
                         EÚYôdÏRp (Make square tray with square soldered corners)                   178

           1.3.51        ùUuûUVô] NôpP¬e Utßm £pYo NôpP¬e ÁÕ T«t£
                         (Practice on soft soldering and silver soldering)                          181

           1.3.52        ¬®h ùNnR úXl Utßm Th CûQlûT EÚYôdÏRp (Make
                         riveted lap and butt joint)                                                186
           1.3.53        ×]p EÚYôdÏRp Utßm CûQl×Lû[ NôpPo ùNnRp
                         (Make funnel as per development and solder joints)                         192
           1.3.54        ¬®h ùNnRÛdÏ Õû[«ÓRp (Drill for riveting)                                   204

           1.3.55        LÜuPo Ned ùah ¬®hL°u TX YûLLÞPu ¬®h
                         ùNnRp (Riveting with as many types of rivet as available, use of counter sunk
                         head rivets)                                                               206

                         Tϧ 4 : ùYp¥e (Welding)
           1.4.56        Bod Tt±ûQl× Øû\«p ºWô] úSoúLôÓ Øû\ûV T«t£
                         ùNnRp (Striking and maintaining arc, laying straight - line bead)          209
           1.4.57        YôÙ Utßm Bod ùYp¥e êXm Th Utßm ‘T’
                         ©pXh CûQlûT EÚYôdÏRp (Making square, Butt joint and ‘T’
                         fillet joint - gas and arc)                                                215
           1.4.58        YôÙ Utßm @©pXo Lm©ÙPu (©pXo WôÓPu) Utßm
                         Lm©«pXôÕ  (©pXo WôÓ CpXôRÕ) J¥ EÚÏRp,
                         _øYôûXûV AûUj§ÓRp (Setting up of flames, fusion runs with and
                         without filler rod and gas)                                                232
           1.4.59        ¾lùTô± Tt\ûYjRXõp Th ùYpÓ Utßm Lôo]o @©pXh
                         ùNnRp (Butt weld and corner, fillet in arc welding)                        240
           1.4.60        MS RLÓL°u YôÙ ùYhÓRp (Gas cutting of MS plates)                            246

                         Tϧ 5 : Õû[«ÓRp (Drilling)
           1.5.61        Õû[L°u ûUVjûR ϱl©ÓRp Utßm ØÝ ¿[j§tÏ
                         Õû[«ÓRp (Mark off and drill through holes)                                 255
           1.5.62        ûUpÓ v¼p EúXôLlThûP«u ÁÕ Õû[«ÓRp
                         (Drill on M.S Flat)                                                        258

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