Page 21 - Foundryman - TP - Hindi
P. 21
97. Reline of ladle. (03 hrs) Heat treatment of casting. (04 hrs.)
98. Pre heat of ladle. (01 hrs)
99.Reline of muffle furnace.(08 hrs)
Professional Make core by using 100.Prepare simple oil sand core by Calculation of ferrostatic pressure.
Skill 25Hrs; linseed oil &IVP oils. using linseed oil. (15 hrs) Calculation of weight required on a
Professional (NOS:ISC/N9468) 101.Prepare oil sand core by IVP oils. mould. (04 hrs.)
Knowledge (10 hrs)
04 Hrs
Professional Prepare mould without 102.Prepare simple, regular shape Calculation of molten metal required
Skill 25Hrs; pattern & with sweep mould without pattern (by cutting for different size mould (Aluminium,
Professional pattern (NOS:ISC/ practice). (12 hrs) brass, copper, C.I. etc.) (04 hrs.)
Knowledge N9469) 103.Make mould by ram up core. (13
04Hrs hrs)
Professional Make casting by die 104.Prepare simple casting by gravity Cost estimate of simple castings of
Skill 25Hrs; casting process & yield die casting. (22hrs) different metals. Low pressure, high
Professional percentage of casting. 105.Calculationyield pressure, gravity die casting process.
Knowledge (NOS:ISC/N9470) percentage.(03hrs) (04 hrs.)
Professional Make casting by 106.Prepare simple casting by Foundry mechanization- layout of a
Skill 25Hrs; investment casting investment casting small foundry- list of material handling
Professional process & binder less process.(13hrs) equipments and their use. (04 hrs.)
Knowledge process. (NOS:ISC/
04Hrs N9471 107.Prepare simple casting with
binder less dry sand process.