Page 20 - Foundryman - TP - Hindi
P. 20
Professional Make mould by various 76. Prepare mould with pencil gate. Common cost iron-alloys.
Skill types of gate to produce (10 hrs) (04 hrs.)
100Hrs; different type of metal 77. Prepare mould with finger gate.
casting. Find out defects
Professional and visit industry to show (07 hrs)
Knowledge different operation for 78.Make casting with aluminium.
20Hrs casting making. (05 hrs)
79. Prepare mould with wedge gate. Effect of alloying elements for ferrous
(07 hrs) metals.
80.Prepare mould with ring gate Inoculation: Purpose of inoculation. (04
(07 hrs) hrs.)
81. Make casting with copper base
alloy. (07 hrs)
82. Prepare mould with branch gate Steel manufacturing process by arc
mould with match plate pattern. furnace. classification common steel
(10 hrs) alloys and use. (04 hrs.)
83.Make casting with cast iron.(07
84. Fettle the casting. (02 hrs)
85. Prepare mould with relief sprue Advantages of sprue gate & skim bob
gate. (07 hrs) gates.
86. Prepare mould with skim bob Wrought iron-manufacturing process-
gate. (07 hrs) uses.
Copper manufacturing process –
87. Make a casting with cast iron. (07 properties use. (04 hrs.)
88. Find out defects. (01 hr)
89. Prepare mould with horn Manufacturing process propertiesand
gate[Gear wheel type pattern]. (08 use of aluminium. Properties of grey
hrs) iron.
90. Industrial visit to observe the Microstructure, fracture, mechanical
special casting process machine test-tensile test, hardness test etc.
moulding process, operation of (04 hrs.)
different furnaces sand
reconditioning process, inspection
of casting, fettling process etc. (08
Professional Make an extra thick 91. Prepare mould for extra thick Manufacturing process of copper base
Skill 25Hrs; casting & finish it. casting with large feeder heads. alloys, aluminium base. Brief
(NOS:ISC/N9466) (18 hrs) information about cupola furnace. (06
Professional hrs.)
Knowledge 92.Make casting with cast iron.(04
06 Hrs hrs)
93.Fettle the casting. (03 hrs)
Professional Reline & prepare different 94. Reline the pit furnace. (06 hrs) Brief information about blast furnace,
Skill 25Hrs; types of furnaces for Brief information about open hearth
Professional melting cast metals. 95. Show a video show for operation furnace, air furnace, paddling furnace
Knowledge (NOS:ISC/N9467) of blast furnace. (01 hrs) and convertors. (06 hrs.)
10Hrs 96. Relining the oil fired furnace. (06