Page 18 - Foundryman - TP - Hindi
P. 18

34. Prepare mould with vertical core. Core: Uses and types, composition
                                             (10 hrs)                       of various cores sand mixtures.
                                          35. Prepare mould with horizontal core  Types of core boxes core venting and
                                             and assemble in the mould.(10 hrs)  re-in forcing of core-core baking – core
                                                                            making machines. (10 hrs.)
                                          36. Prepare chair core and assemble
                                             in the mould. (05 hrs)
                                          37. Prepare moulds for copper     Construction:  O p e r a t i o n
                                             andcopper base alloys melts    &maintenance of oil fire furnace
                                             copper alloy in oil fired furnace &  pattern- pattern materials. Difference
                                             pour & fettle the casting. (25 hrs)  between wooden pattern and metal
                                                                            pattern. (05 hrs.)
                                          38. Prepare mould with draw back  Pattern – types of patterns- allowance
                                             method & false check method.   on pattern colouring of pattern as per
                                             (10 hrs)                       IS 1513-1959 care & maintenance of
                                          39. Prepare dry sand mould with   pattern. (05 hrs.)
                                             skeleton pattern. (08 hrs)
                                          40. Prepare black wash & coat on
                                             mould. (07 hrs)
                                          41. Prepare stack mould with steeped Different types of coating on mould
                                             gate. (13 hrs)                 cores. (01 hr.)
                                          42. Prepare snap flask mould. (12 hrs)

       Professional Make pattern and repair 43. Prepare simple pattern. (15 hrs)  Methods of repairing the pattern &
       Skill 25Hrs; defective pattern and  44. Repair wooden patterns & core  core boxes. (04 hrs.)
       Professional core boxes. (NOS:ISC/    boxes. (10 hrs)
       Knowledge N9458 )
       04 Hrs

       Professional Prepare mould with loose 45. Prepare mould with loose piece  Prerequisites of gating system. Riser:
       Skill 25Hrs; piece pattern and loose  pattern & core with loose piece core Feeders & directional solidification,
       Professional piece   core    box.     box. (25 hrs)                  exothermic materials. (04 hrs.)
       Knowledge (NOS:ISC/N9459)
       04 Hrs

       Professional Perform metal working 46. Metal working – Marking and   Description, specification and use of
       Skill 25Hrs; such as marking,         sawing on straight line – chipping common, marking measuring, sawing,
       Professional sawing, filling, grinding,  and filling to desired size on different chipping and filing instruments used
       Knowledge drilling etc. (NOS:ISC/     metals. (10 hrs)               in metal work.
       04 Hrs      N9460)                 47. Grinding the metals to desire size  Types of grinders – Brief information
                                             by pedestal grinder and flexible  about other metal cutting equipments.
                                             shaft grinder. (10 hrs)        Various types of drill bits and drilling
                                                                            machine. (04 hrs.)
                                          48. Drilling on various metals. (05 hrs)

       Professional Make    casting   of  49. Prepare induction furnace for  Induction furnace types- construction,
       Skill 25Hrs; aluminum by melting on   charging, prepare charges for  operation and maintenance. (04 hrs.)
       Professional Induction furnace &      charging, operate and melt
       Knowledge identify defects.           aluminium and pour aluminium into
       04 Hrs                                the mould and identify defects.
                                             (25 hrs)

       Professional Prepare mould by 50.Prepare dry sand mould with odd Description of dry sand mould. Brief
       Skill different         moulding      sided pattern and make casting.  description types, advantages &
       100Hrs;     process, make cast iron   (10 hrs)                       disadvantages of die casting,
                   castings identify defects.                               centrifugal casting and ceramic
        Professional  (NOS:ISC/N9462)     51.Fettle the casting (07 hrs)    moulding process. (04 hrs.)
       Knowledge                          52. Find out defect. (08 hrs)
       24 Hrs

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