Page 16 - Foundryman - TP - Hindi
P. 16


        Duration   Reference Learning               Professional Skills             Professional Knowledge
                        Outcome                      (Trade Practical)                  (Trade Theory)
                                                  with Indicative hours

        Professional Categorize different 1.Importance of trade training, List of  All necessary guidance to be provided
        Skill 40Hrs; types of tools, equipment  tools & Machinery used in the  to the newcomers to become familiar
                   & raw material used in  trade.(01 hr)                    with the working of Industrial Training
         Professional  foundry following safety
        Knowledge  precautions. (NOS:ISC/  2.Safety attitude development of the  Institute system including store’s
        08 Hrs                             trainee by educating them to use  procedures.
                   N9453)                  Personal Protective Equipment    Soft skills, its importance and job area
                                           (PPE).(04 hrs)                   after completion of training.
                                         3.First Aid Method and basic training.  Importance of safety and general
                                           (02 hrs)
                                                                            precautions observed in the in the
                                         4.Safe disposal of waste materials like  industry/shop floor.
                                           cotton waste, metal chips/burrs etc.
                                           (02 hrs)                         Introduction of First aid. Operation of
                                                                            electrical mains and electrical safety.
                                         5.Hazard identification and avoidance.  Introduction of PPEs.
                                           (02 hrs)
                                         6.Safety signs for Danger, Warning,  Response to emergencies e.g. power
                                           caution & personal safety message.  failure, fire, and system failure.
                                           (01 hr)                          Importance of housekeeping & good
                                         7.Preventive measures for electrical  shop floor practices. Introduction to 5S
                                           accidents & steps to be taken in  concept & its application.
                                           such accidents. (02 hrs)
                                                                            Occupational Safety & Health: Health,
                                         8. Use of Fire extinguishers. (03 hrs)  Safety and Environment guidelines,
                                         9.Practice    and    understand    legislations & regulations as
                                           precautions to be followed while  applicable.
                                           working in fitting jobs. (02 hrs)  Basic understanding on Hot work,
                                         10.Safe use of tools and equipment  confined space work and material
                                            used in the trade. (01 hr)      handling equipment. (04 hrs.)

                                          11. Video show of large foundry  History of Foundry Industries,
                                            industries in India.(04 hrs.)  development of foundry in India.
                                          12. PPT show of various tools &  Importance of foundry Industries. Types
                                            equipment used in foundry. (04 hrs.)  of foundries, Advantage of metal
                                          13. Identify each and every tools  casting importance of quality and
                                            &equipment as per desired      quality awareness.
                                            specification. (04 hrs.)       Different tools &equipment used in
                                          14. PPT show of various raw materials  foundry.
                                            used in foundry.(04 hrs.)      Different raw materials used in foundry
                                          15. Identify each raw materials used  Industries. (04 hrs.)
                                            in foundry.(04 hrs.)

       Professional  Prepare sand mix for  16. Sieve the used sand with the help  Specification tools &equipment.
       Skill 25Hrs;  moulding. (NOS:ISC/    of riddle & shovel. (06 hrs)   Procedure of use of different tools
        Professional  N9454)              17. Sieve the used sand with power  &equipment.
       Knowledge                            riddle. (06 hrs)               Special casting process definition
       04 Hrs                             18. Make Green sand mixture with  materials used composition, the
                                            tempering by shovel. (06 hrs)  process; use advantages and
                                          19. Make green sand mixture with  disadvantage of CO2 process and shell
                                            tempering or moisturing by sand  moulding process. (04 hrs.)
                                            muller. (07 hrs)

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