Page 15 - Fitter 2nd Year TT - Telugu
P. 15

161. Making an adjustable spanner: -  Power transmission elements. The
                                                  Marking out as per Blueprint, drilling, object of belts, their sizes and
                                                  cutting, straight and curve filing,  specifications, materials of which
                                                  threading, cutting slot and cutting  the belts are made, selection of the
                                                  internal threads with taps. (16 hrs.)  type of belts with the consideration
                                                                                  of  weather,  load  and  tension
                                                                                  methods of joining leather belts. (04

                                              162. Dismantling and mounting of pulleys.  Vee belts and their advantages and
                                                (12 hrs.)                          disadvantages, use of commercial
                                              163. Making & replacing damaged keys.  belts, dressing and resin creep and
                                                   (12 hrs.)                       slipping, calculation.
                                                                                   Power transmissions- coupling
                                              164. Dismounting, repairing damaged  types-flange  coupling,-Hooks
                                                   gears and mounting and check for  coupling-universal coupling and
                                                   workability. (16 hrs.)          their different uses.
                                              165. Repair & replacement of belts and  Pulleys-types-solid, split and ‘V’
                                                   check for workability. (12 hrs.)  belt pulleys, standard calculation for
                                                                                   determining size crowning of faces-
                                                                                   loose and fast pulleys-jockey
                                                                                   pulley. Types of drives-open and
                                                                                   cross belt drives. The geometrical
                                                                                   explanation of the belt drivers at an
                                                                                   Clutch:  Type, positive clutch
                                                                                   (straight tooth type, angular tooth
                                                                                   Chains, wire ropes and clutches for
                                                                                   power transmission. Their types
                                                                                   and brief description. (15 hrs.)

                                             166. Making of template/gauge to check  Power  transmission  –by  gears,
                                                   involute profile. (17 hrs.)    most common form spur gear, set
                                                                                  names of some essential parts of
                                                                                  the set-The pitch circles, Diametral
                                                                                  pitch, velocity ratio of a gear set.
                                                                                  (05 hrs.)
                                             167. Repair of broken gear tooth by stud  Helical gear, herring bone gears,
                                                   and repair broker gear teeth by  bevel gearing, spiral bevel gearing,
                                                   dovetail. (17 hrs.)             hypoid gearing, pinion and rack,
                                                                                   worm gearing, velocity ratio of worm
                                                                                   gearing. Repair of gear teeth by
                                                                                   building up and dovetail method. (05

                                             168. Make hexagonal slide fitting. (16  Method or fixing geared wheels for
                                                hrs.)                              various purpose drives. General
                                                                                   cause of the wear and tear of the
                                             169.Prepare different types of        toothed wheels and their remedies,
                                                  documentation as per industrial need  method  of  fitting  spiral  gears,
                                                 by different methods of recording  helical gears, bevel gears, worm
                                                 information. (04 hrs.)
                                                                                   and worm wheels in relation to
                                                                                   required  drive.  Care  and
                                                                                   maintenance of gears. (05 hrs.)

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