Page 14 - Fitter 2nd Year TT - Telugu
P. 14

properties and uses in bearings
                                                                             such as phenolic, Teflon polyamide
                                                                             (nylon). (06hrs.)

                                        146. Preparation of drill gauges. (10 hrs.)  The importance of keeping the work
                                        147. File and fit straight and angular  free from rust and corrosion. (06
                                            surfaces internally. (13 hrs.)   hrs.)
                                        148. Identify different ferrous metals by
                                            spark test (2 hrs.)

        Professional  Apply a range of  149. Flaring of pipes and pipe joints. (02  Pipes and pipe fitting- commonly
        Skill 62 Hrs.;  skills to execute     hrs.)                          used pipes. Pipe schedule and
        Professional  pipe     joints,  150. Cutting & Threading of pipe length.  standard sizes. Pipe bending
        Knowledge    dismantle and            (3 hrs.)                       methods. Use of bending fixture,
        18Hrs        assemble valves &                                       pipe threads-Std. Pipe threads Die
                     fittings with pipes  151. Fitting of pipes as per sketch  and Tap, pipe vices. (06 hrs.)
                     and    test   for       observing conditions used for pipe
                     leakages.[Range of      work. (10 hrs.)
                     skills – Cutting,  152. Bending of pipes- cold and hot.
                     Threading, Flaring,      (06 hrs.)
                     Bending      and
                     Joining] (Mapped   153. Dismantling & assembling – globe  Use of tools such as pipe cutters,
                     NOS:CSC/N0304)           valves, sluice valves, stop cocks,  pipe wrenches, pipe dies, and tap,
                                             seat valves and non-return valve.  pipe bending machine etc. (06 hrs.)
                                              (20 hrs.)
                                        154. Fit & assemble pipes, valves and  Standard pipefitting-
                                             test for leakage & functionality of  Methods of fitting or replacing the
                                             valves. (18 hrs.)               above fitting, repairs and erection on
                                        155. Visual inspection for visual defects  rainwater drainage pipes and
                                              e.g. dents, surface finish. (1 hr.)  household taps and pipe work.
                                        156. Measuring, checking and recording  Inspection & Quality control
                                               in control chart. (2 hrs.)    -Basic SPC
                                                                             -Visual Inspection. (06 hrs.)

        Professional  Make  drill  jig  &  157. Make a simple drilling jig. (20 hrs.)  Drilling jig-constructional features,
        Skill 24 Hrs.;  produce          158. Use simple jigs and fixtures for  types and uses. Fixtures-
        Professional  components on           drilling. (04 hrs.)            Constructional features, types and
        Knowledge    drill machine by                                        uses. (06 hrs.)
        06 Hrs.      using jigs and
                     check        for
        Professional  Plan,  dismantle,  159. Marking out for angular outlines,  Aluminum  and  its  alloys.  Uses,
        Skill 152Hrs.  repair and assemble  filing  and  fitting  the  inserts  into  advantages and disadvantages,
        Professional  different damaged     gaps. (06 hrs.)                  weight and strength as compared
        Knowledge    mechanical          160. Exercises on finished material  with steel. Non-ferrous metals such
        43 Hrs.      components used        such as aluminium/ brass/ copper  as  brass,  phosphor  bronze,
                     for        power       /  stainless  steel,  marking  out,  gunmetal, copper, aluminum etc.
                     transmission    &      cutting to size, drilling, tapping etc.  Their composition and purposes,
                     check functionality.   without  damage to surface of    where and why used, advantages
                     [Different Damage      finished articles. (09 hrs.)     for  specific  purposes,  surface
                     Mechanical                                              wearing properties of bronze and
                     Components      –                                       brass. (04 hrs.)
                     Pulley, Gear, Keys,
                     Jibs and Shafts.]

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