Page 12 - Fitter 2nd Year TT - Telugu
P. 12
Reference Professional Skills Professional Knowledge
Duration Learning (Trade Practical) (Trade Theory)
Outcome With Indicative Hours
Professional Make & assemble 115. Make ‘H’ fitting. (13 hrs.) Screws: material, designation,
Skill 255Hrs; components of 116. Power tools: Practice operation specifications, Property classes
Professional different mating of power tool for fastening. (5 hrs.) (e.g. 9.8 on screw head), Tools for
Knowledge surfaces as per 117. Tightening of bolt/ screw with specified tightening/ loosening of screw or
required tolerance
bolts, Torque wrench, screw joint
70Hrs by different surface torque. (2 hrs.) calculation uses.
finishing operations 118. Selection of right tool as for Tightening Power tools: its constructional
using different or loosening of screw/bolt as per features, uses & maintenance. (06
fastening accessibility. (1 hr.) hrs.)
components, tools
and check 119. Assembly sliding for using keys, dowel Locking device: Nuts- types (lock
functionality. pin and screw, ± 0.02 mm accuracy nut castle nut, slotted nuts, swam
[Different Mating on plain surface and testing of sliding nut, grooved nut) Description and
Surfaces – Dovetail fitting job. (13 hrs.) use.
fitting, Radius fitting, 120. File & fit angular mating surface within Various types of keys, allowable
Combined fitting; an accuracy of ± 0.02 mm & 10 clearances & tapers, types, uses
Different surface minutes angular fitting. (12 hrs.) of key pullers. (06 hrs.)
finishing operations
– Scraping, Lapping 121. Drill through and blind holes at an angle Special files: types (pillar, Dread
and Honing; using swivel table of drilling machine. naught, Barrow, warding)
Different fastening (09 hrs.) description & their uses. (07 hrs.)
components –
Dowel pins, screws, 122. Precision drilling, reaming and tapping
bolts, keys and and Test- Job. (12 hrs.)
cotters; Different 123.Make Dovetailed fitting and radius Templates and Radius/fillet gauge,
fastening tools-hand fitting. (18hrs.) feeler gauge, hole gauge, and their
operated & power uses, care and maintenance.
tools, Required (05 hrs.)
tolerance -
±0.02mm, angular 124. File and fit, combined fit with straight, Slip gauge: Necessity of using,
tolerance ± 10 min.] angular surface with ± 0.02 mm classification & accuracy, set of
(Mapped NOS: accuracy and check adherence to blocks (English and Metric). Details
CSC/N0304) specification and quality standards of slip gauge. Metric sets 46: 103:
using equipment like Vernier-calipers, 112. Wringing and building up of slip
micrometresetc.(18 hrs.) gauge and care and maintenance.
(06 hrs.)
125. Drilling and reaming, small dia. holes Application of slip gauges for
to accuracy & correct location for measuring, Sine Bar-Principle,
fitting. (4 hrs.) application & specification.
126. Perform drilling using ‘V’ block and a Procedure to check adherence to
clamp. (1 hrs.) specification and quality standards.
127. Make male and female fitting parts, (05 hrs.)
drill and ream holes not less than 12.7
mm. (18 hrs.)
128. Make Sliding Diamond fitting. (22 hrs.) Lapping: Application of lapping,
129. Lap flat surfaces using lapping plate. material for lapping tools, lapping
abrasives, charging of lapping tool.
(5 hrs.)27. Filing flat, square, and Surface finish importance,
parallel to an accuracy of 0.5mm.
(07 hrs.) equipment for testing-terms relation
to surface finish. Equipment for