Page 20 - Electrician - 2nd Year TP
P. 20
Professional Distinguish, 139. Carry out maintenance, service and Concentric/ distributed, single/ double
Skill 50 Hrs.; organise and repair of single-phase AC motors. (10 layer winding and related terms.
perform motor Hrs.)
Professional winding. Troubleshooting of single-phase AC
Knowledge (Mapped NOS: 140. Practice on single/double layer and induction motors and universal motor.
12 Hrs. concentric winding for AC motors, (12 hrs.)
testing and assembling. (25 Hrs.)
141. Connect, start, run and reverse the
direction of rotation of universal motor.
(10 Hrs.)
142. Carry out maintenance and
servicing of universal motor. (05 Hrs.)
Profes- Plan, execute 143. Install an alternator, identify parts Principle of alternator, e.m.f. equation,
sional Skill testing, evaluate and terminals of alternator. (5 Hrs.) relation between poles, speed and
75 Hrs.; performance and 144. Test for continuity and insulation frequency.
Profes- carry out resistance of alternator. (5 Hrs.) Types and construction.
sional maintenance of Efficiency, characteristics, regulation,
Knowledge Alternator / MG 145. Connect, start and run an alternator phase sequence and parallel
22 Hrs. set. Execute and build up the voltage. (5 Hrs.)
parallel operation 146. Determine the load performance and operation.
of alternators. Effect of changing the field excitation
voltage regulation of three phase
alternator. (5 Hrs.) and power factor correction. (10 Hrs.)
147. Parallel operation and
synchronization of three phase
alternators. (15 Hrs.)
148. Install a synchronous motor, identify Working principle of synchronous
its parts and terminals. (10 Hrs.) motor.
149. Connect, start and plot V-curves for Effect of change of excitation and load.
synchronous motor under different V and anti V curve.
excitation and load conditions. (10
Hrs.) Power factor improvement. (06 Hrs.)
150. Identify parts and terminals of MG Rotary Converter, MG Set description
set. (5 Hrs.) and Maintenance. (06 Hrs.)
151. Start and load MG set with 3 phase
induction motor coupled to DC shunt
generator. (15 Hrs.)
Professional Assemble simple 152. Determine the value of resistance by Resistors – colour code, types and
Skill 99 Hrs.; electronic circuits colour code and identify types. (03 characteristics.
and test for Hrs.)
Professional Active and passive components.
Knowledge functioning. 153. Test active and passive electronic Atomic structure and semiconductor
31 Hrs. components and its applications. (05 theory. (04 Hrs.)
154. Determine V-I characteristics of P-N junction, classification,
semiconductor diode. (05 Hrs.) specifications, biasing and
characteristics of diodes.
155. Construct half wave, full wave and
bridge rectifiers using semiconductor Rectifier circuit - half wave, full wave,
diode. (08 Hrs.) bridge rectifiers and filters.
156. Check transistors for their functioning Principle of operation, types,
by identifying its type and terminals. (10 characteristics and various configuration
Hrs.) of transistor.
Application of transistor as a switch,
voltage regulator and amplifier. (12 Hrs.)