Page 19 - Electrician - 2nd Year TP
P. 19

Professional    Plan, Execute     123. Identify parts and terminals of three Working principle of three phase
              Skill 80 Hrs.;  commissioning        phase AC motors. (5 Hrs.)        induction motor.
              Professional    and    evaluate   124. Make an internal connection of Squirrel Cage Induction motor, Slip-
              Knowledge       performance of AC    automatic star-delta starter with three ring induction motor; construction,
              26 Hrs.         motors. (Mapped      contactors. (10 Hrs.)            characteristics, Slip and Torque.
                              NOS: PSS/N1709)
                                                125. Connect, start and run three phase Different types of starters for three
                              Execute testing,     induction motors by using DOL, star- phase induction motors, its
                              and maintenance      delta and auto-transformer starters. necessity, basic contactor circuit,
                              of AC motors and     (17 Hrs.)                        parts and their functions. (13 Hrs.)
                              starters. (Mapped
                              NOS: PSS/N1709)   126. Connect, start, run and reverse
                                                   direction of rotation of slip-ring motor
                                                   through rotor resistance starter and
                                                   determine performance characteristic.
                                                   (13 Hrs.)
                                                127. Determine the efficiency of squirrel  Single phasing prevention.
                                                   cage induction motor by brake test.
                                                   (05 Hrs.)                         No load test and blocked rotor
                                                                                     test of induction motor.
                                                128. Determine the efficiency of three  Losses & efficiency.
                                                   phase squirrel cage induction motor
                                                   by no load test and blocked rotor test.  Various methods of speed
                                                   (05 Hrs.)                         control.
                                                129. Measure slip and power factor to  Braking system of motor.
                                                   draw speed-torque (slip/torque)   Maintenance and repair. (13 Hrs.)
                                                   characteristics. (10 Hrs.)
                                                130. Test for continuity and insulation
                                                   resistance of three phase induction
                                                   motors. (5 Hrs.)
                                                131. Perform speed control of three phase
                                                   induction motors by various methods
                                                   like rheostatic control, autotransformer
                                                   etc. (10 Hrs.)
              Professional    Distinguish,       132. Perform winding of three phase AC  Concentric/ distributed, single/
              Skill 23 Hrs.;  organise    and      motor by developing connection   double layer winding and related
                              perform   motor      diagram, test and assemble. (18  terms.
              Professional                         Hrs.)
              Knowledge       winding. (Mapped
              09 Hrs.         NOS: PSS/N4402)    133. Maintain, service and troubleshoot
                                                   the AC motor starter. (05 Hrs.)

             Professional Skill Plan,  Execute   134. Identify parts and terminals of Working principle, different method
             39 Hrs.;         commissioning and     different types of single-phase AC of starting and running of various
                              evaluate              motors. (5 Hrs.)                single-phase AC motors.
             Professional     performance of AC
             Knowledge        motors. (Mapped    135. Install, connect and determine Domestic    and    industrial
             12 Hrs.                                performance of single-phase AC applications of different single-
                              NOS: PSS/N1709)
                                                    motors. (10 Hrs.)               phase AC motors.
                              Execute testing,
                              and maintenance of  136. Start, run and reverse the direction Characteristics, losses and
                              AC motors and         of rotation of single-phase AC efficiency. (12 hrs.)
                              starters.  (Mapped    motors. (08 Hrs.)
                              NOS: PSS/N1709)    137. Practice on speed control of single-
                                                    phase AC motors. (08 Hrs.)
                                                 138. Compare starting and running
                                                    winding currents of a capacitor run
                                                    motor at various loads and measure
                                                    the speed. (08 Hrs.)

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