Page 19 - COPA Vol I of II - TP - Telugu
P. 19
54. Configure content
for collaboration (2 Hrs)
• Set a print area
• Save workbooks in alternative
file formats
• Configure print settings Manage
data cells and ranges (12 Hrs.)
55. Manipulate data (3 Hrs)
• Paste data by using special
paste options
• Fill cells by using Auto Fill
• Insert and delete multiple
columns or rows
• Insert and delete cells
56. Format cells and ranges (5
• Merge and Unmerge cells
• Modify cell alignment,
orientation and indentation
• Format cells using Format
• Wrap text within cells
• Apply number formats
• Apply cell formats from the
Format cells dialog box
• Apply cell styles
• Clear cell formatting
57. Define and reference named
ranges (4 Hrs)
• Define a named range
• Name a table
• Summarize data visually
Insert spark lines
• Apply built in
conditional formatting
• Remove conditional
Manage tables and table data
(12 Hrs.)
58. Create and format tables (4
• Create excel tables from cell
• Apply table styles
• Convert tables to cell ranges
59. Manage tables and table data
(5 Hrs)
• Add or remove table rows and
• Configure table style options
• Insert and configure total rows
60. Filter and sort table data (3
• Filter records
• Sort data by multiple columns
Perform operations using
formulas and functions (12 Hrs.)