Page 18 - COPA Vol I of II - TP - Telugu
P. 18

46. Add and manage comments
                                               (1 Hrs)
                                             •  Add comments
                                             •  Review     and    reply to
                                             •  Resolve comments
                                             •  Delete comments
                                             47. Manage change tracking (2.5
                                             •  Track changes
                                             •  Review tracked changes
                                             •  Accept  and  reject  tracked
                                             •  Lock and   unlock  c h a n g e
                                             Manage Mailings (3.5 Hrs)
                                             48. Perform mail merge (3.5 Hrs)
                                             •  Create envelopes
                                             •  Create labels
                                             •  Create a new mailing list
                                             •  Perform mail merge using an
                                               existing list
        Professional  Create, format, edit and   Spread Sheet Application (72  Spread Sheet Application (18 Hrs)
        Skill - 72  develop a workbook       Hrs) Manage Worksheets and  •  Introduction to Excel features
        Hrs.;        by  using  spreadsheet   Workbooks (12 Hrs.)               and Data Types.
        Professional   application software.   49. Open files in MS Excel (1.5   •  Cell  referencing  and  linking
        Knowledge -   (Mapped NOS: SSC/      •  Open MS Excel                   Sheets.
        18 Hrs       N3022)                                                  •  Introduction to various functions
                                             •  Create a new Excel file         in all categories of Excel.
                                             •  Create a new Excel file from a   •  Concepts of sorting, filtering
                                               template                         and validating data.
                                             •  Open an existing Excel file  •  Analyzing data using charts, data
                                             50. Import data (1.5 Hrs)          tables, pivot tables, goal seek
                                             •  Import data from txt files      and scenarios
                                             •  Import data from csv files
                                             51. Navigate within workbooks (2
                                             •  Search data
                                             •  N  a  v   i  g  a  t  e
                                               to  named   cells, ranges or
                                               workbook elements
                                             •  Insert and remove hyperlinks
                                             52. Format    worksheets
                                               and workbooks (2 Hrs)
                                             •  Modify page setup
                                             •  Adjust row height and column
                                             •  Customize  headers
                                               and footers
                                             53. Customize options and views
                                               (3 Hrs)
                                             •  Display and modify content in
                                               different views
                                             •  Freeze rows and columns
                                             •  Change window views
                                             •  Modify     basic  workbook
                                             •  Display formulas

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