Page 20 - COPA Vol I of II - TP - Telugu
P. 20

61. Insert references (3 Hrs)
                                             •  Insert relative, absolute and
                                               mixed references
                                             •  Reference named ranges and
                                               named tables in formulas
                                             62. Calculate and transform data
                                               (5 Hrs)
                                             •  Perform calculations using
                                               AVERAGE(), MIN(), MAX() and
                                             •  Co unt ce lls by usin g
                                               COUNT(), COUNTIF()
                                               and COUNTBLANK()
                                             •  Perform    conditional
                                               operations  by  using  the  IF()
                                             63. Format and modify text(4 Hrs)
                                             •  Format     text   u s i n g
                                               RIGHT(),LEFT()  and  MID()
                                             •  Format text using UPPER(),
                                               LOWER() and LEN() functions
                                             •  Format text using CONCAT()
                                               and TEXTJOIN() functions
                                             Manage Charts (12 Hrs.)
                                             64. Create Charts (3 Hrs)
                                             •  Create charts
                                             •  Create chart sheets
                                             65. Modify charts (4 Hrs)
                                             •  Add data series to charts
                                             •  Switch between rows and
                                               columns in source data
                                             •  Add and    modify  c h a r t
                                             •  Add trend lines to chart
                                             66. Format charts (5 Hrs)
                                             •  Apply chart layouts
                                             •  Apply chart styles
                                             •  Add alternative text to charts for
                                             Manage Pivot Tables (12 Hrs.)
                                             67. Create Pivot Tables(12 Hrs)
                                             •  Create  Pivot  tables  from  cell
                                             •  Manipulate fields (columns) to
                                               get desired analysis
                                             •  Use Filters for pivot tables
                                             •  Represent data as Count, Sum,
                                               Average & % of row / column
                                             •  Group data in Columns & rows
                                               for aggregate reports

        Professional   Create and customize   Power point Presentations (9.5  Power  point Presentations (13
        Skill - 53 Hrs;  slides  for  presentation.   Hrs.)                     Hrs.)
        Professional   (Mapped NOS: SSC/     68. Open files in MS PowerPoint    •  Image   e d i t i n g ,
                                               (1 Hr)
        Knowledge -   N3022)                 •  Open MS PowerPoint              Presentations
        13 Hrs                               •  Create a new PowerPoint file  •  Introduction to Open Office.

                                             •  Create a new PowerPoint file   •  Introduction to the properties
                                                                                and editing of images.

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