Page 15 - COPA Vol I of II - TP - Telugu
P. 15
21. Burn data, video and audio files
on CD/DVD using application
software. (2 Hrs)
DOS Command Line Interface
22. Use basic DOS commands for
directory listing. (5 Hrs)
23. Manage files and folders using
DOS commands. (4 Hrs)
Install Ubuntu Linux operating
system and execute basic Linux
commands (27 Hrs)
24. Installation of Ubuntu Linux
operating system (6 Hrs)
25. Install necessary application
software for Linux i.e. Office
Package, PDF Reader, Media
Player etc. (4 Hrs)
26. Use Basic Linux commands for
directory listing, file and folder
management, password etc. (6
27. Use the Linux graphical user
interface for file and folder
management, exploring the
system etc. (6 Hrs)
28. Customize desktop settings and
manage user accounts in Linux.
(3 Hrs)
29. View system properties and
manage system setting in Linux.
(2 Hrs)
Professional Create, format, and edit Using Word Processing Software Using Word Processing Software
Skill - document using word (47 hrs) (14 Hrs)
47 Hrs.; processing application Manage documents (11 Hrs.) • Introduction to the various
software. (Mapped NOS: 30. Navigate within documents (2 applications in MS office.
Knowledge - SSC/N3022) Hrs) • Introduction to Word features,
14 Hrs • Search for text Office button, toolbars.
• Link to locations • Creating, saving and formatting
within documents and printing documents using
• Move to specific locations and Word.
objects in documents • Working with objects, macro,
• Show and hide formatting mail merge, templates and other
symbols and hidden text tools in Word.
31. Format documents (4.6 Hrs)
• Set up document pages
• Apply style sets
• Insert and modify headers and
• Configure page background
32. Save and share documents (2
• Save documents in
alternative file formats
• Modify basic document
• Modify print settings