Page 14 - COPA Vol I of II - TP - Telugu
P. 14
Duration Reference Learning Professional Skills Professional Knowledge
Outcome (Trade Practical) (Trade Theory)
with Indicative hours
Professional I nst all and set up Safe working practices (10 Hrs) Introduction to Computers (3 Hrs)
Skill- 94 Hrs; operating system and 1. Visit COPA Lab. of the institutes • Safe working practices
related software in a and locate the electrical
Professional computer following safety • Scope of the COPA trade.
Knowledge - precautions. (Mapped connections with computer • Safety rules and safety
32 Hrs system setup. (3 Hrs) signs.
NOS: SSC/N3022) 2. Identifying safety symbols and • Types and working of ire
hazard identification. (3 Hrs)
3. Practice safe methods of fire extinguishers. Introduction to
Computer components
fighting in case of electrical fire.
(2 Hrs) Introduction to computer
4. Use of fire extinguishers. (2Hrs) system (4 Hrs)
Assemble a Desktop PC (8 hrs) • Concepts of Hardware
5. Identify computer peripherals and Software.
and internal components of a • Function of mother
desktop computer. (4 Hrs) board components and various
6. Assemble components of processors.
desktop computer. (4 Hrs) • Various I nput / O ut put
Using Windows Operating devices in use and their features
Systems (20 hrs) Introduction Windows Operating
7. Practice on Windows interface System (9 Hrs)
and navigating windows. (3 Hrs) • Introduction to operating System
8. Practice on managing files and • Main features of Windows OS
folders using removable drives. • Concept of various shortcut
(4 Hrs) commands.
9. Customize the desktop (2 hrs) Introduction to the
10. Settings and manage booting process (6 Hrs)
user accounts. (1 Hr) • Introduction to various types of
11. View system properties and memories and their features.
control panel details. (3 Hrs)
12. Work with keyboard shortcut • Basic Hardware and software
commands. (4 Hrs) issues and their solutions.
13. Print and scan document using • Usage o f Ap p li ca ti o n
different commands. (3 Hrs) software and Antivirus.
Computer basics a n d Introduction to DOS Command
Software Installation (20 Hrs) Line Interface & Linux Operating
14. View the BIOS settings and their Systems (10 Hrs)
modifications. (3 Hrs) • Introduction to basic DOS Internal
15. Install Windows operating and External Commands.
system. (4 Hrs) • Introduction to Open S o u r c e
16. Format hard disk and create Software
partition. (3 Hrs) • Introduction to Linux Operating
17. Identify and rectify common System features, structure, files
hardware and software issues and processes
during OS installation. (3 Hrs) • Basic Linux commands.
18. Install necessary application
software for Windows i.e. Office
Package, PDF Reader, Media
Player etc. (2 Hrs)
19. Configure Bluetooth and Wi-Fi
settings. (1 Hr)
20. Install Drivers for printer,
scanner, webcam and DVD
etc. (2 Hrs)