Page 17 - Wireman - TP - Hindi
P. 17
(04 hrs) Domestic Wiring:
78.Identify various accessories used in Introduction and explanation of electrical
domestic wiring of different ratings/ wiring systems, cleat wiring, Casing-
sizes and list out their approximate capping, CTS, Conduit and concealed etc.
cost. (09 hrs.) IE Rules related to wiring, National
79.Prepare test boards/ extension boards Building codes for house wiring,
and mount accessories like lamp specification and types, rating & material.
holders, switches, sockets, fuses, Minimum load capacities (W/m2) of
relays, MCB, ELCB, MCCB etc. (17 various buildings.
Hrs) Electrical load categories.
80.Check tripping characteristic of circuit Terms; Maximum demand, Load factor
breaker (MCB & ELCB) for over current and Diversity factor, etc.
and short circuit current. (04 hrs) Various wiring accessories/ electrical
81.Demonstrate method of working with fittings e.g. switches, fuses, lamp holders,
plum bob, sprit level, water level and plugs, brackets, ceiling rose, cut out
wall chasing. (10 hrs) relays, sensors, voltage regulators, MCB,
82.Practice cutting, threading of different ELCB, MCCB etc.
sizes of PVC conduits & laying Grading of cables and current ratings.
Installations. (12 Hrs) Principle of laying out of domestic wiring.
83.Draw layouts and practice PVC Selection of switchgear.
Casing-capping wiring of minimum 20 Voltage drop concept.
mtr length with minimum to more
number of points. (12 Hrs) IS 732-1863.
84.Wire up PVC Casing-capping wiring to Wiring materials used for PVC cables,
control one lamp from two different Indian standards regarding the above wiring
places (Staircase wiring). (10 Hrs) such as clip distance fixing of screws,
85.Draw layouts and practice PVC cable bending etc.
Conduit wiring of minimum 20 mtr Introduction to estimation procedure, PVC
length with minimum to more number casing and capping materials, sizes and
of points. (15 hrs) grades etc.
86.Wire up PVC conduit wiring to control Conduit pipe wiring materials and
one lamp from three different places. accessories, types and sizes of conduit.
(10 hrs) Branching of circuits with respect to loads
87.Demonstrate process of concealed such as lighting and power.
conduit wiring system using visual Layout of Light points, fan points, heating
aids. (04 hrs) loads etc., their controls, main switches,
88.Prepare main distribution board, distribution boards as per IE rules.
mount the energy meter board. (10 hrs) Difference between MCCB, MCB, ELCB,
89.Wire up the consumers main board RCCB, MPCB.
with ICDP switch and distribution fuse Different types of wiring;
box. (05 Hrs) PVC conduit; Surface and concealed
90.Carry out polarity test and ensure (PVC Conduit;/ metal conduit)
correct connections of switches, fuses Casing-capping wiring system.
and accessories. (05 hrs) Power, control, Communication and
91.Carry out earth continuity test and entertainment wiring.
ensure resistance of earth conductor Wiring circuits planning, permissible load
as per IE rule. (05 hrs) in sub-circuit and main circuit. (35 hrs)
92.Check line-earth and neutral-earth loop
impedance and ensure effectiveness
of earthing. (06 hrs)
93.Simulate faults and practice tracing of
faults in different circuits. (10 Hrs)
94.Video demonstration of various wiring
accessories/ electrical fittings availabe
in the market viz., switches, panels,
fuses, plugs, brackets, cut out relays,
sensors, voltage regulators, circuit
breakers etc. (05 hrs)