Page 13 - Wireman - TP - Hindi
P. 13
rescue a person safely in contact with Disposal procedure of waste materials.
electricity. (7 hrs) Response to emergencies e.g. power
6. Demonstrate artificial respiration failure, fire, and system failure.
through visual aids. (04 hrs) Concept of Standards and advantages of
7. Identify trade tools and equipments. BIS/ISI.
(03 hrs) Familiarization with signs and symbols
8. Disposal procedure of waste of electrical accessories
materials. (03 hrs) Introduction to 5S concept.
9. Use of personal protective Allied trades:
equipments. (03 hrs) Introduction to fitting tools, safety
10.Practice on filing and hacksawing and precautions. Description of files,
prepare T-joints, straight joints and hammers, chisels hacksaw frames,
dovetail joints on wooden blocks. (15 blades, their specification and grades.
hrs) Marking tools description and use.
11.Practice sawing, planing, drilling and Types of drills, description &drilling
assembling for making a wooden machines.
switchboard. (15 hrs) Various wooden joints.
12.Practice in marking and cutting of Marking tools; calipers
straight and curved pieces in metal Dividers, Surface plates, angle plates,
sheets, making holes, securing by scribers, punches, surface gauges,
screw and riveting etc. (15 hrs) Types, Uses, Care and maintenance.
13.Workshop practice on drilling, Sheet metal tools: Description of marking
chipping, internal and external & cutting tools.
threading of different sizes. (15 hrs)
14.Prepare a closed cabinet from metal Types of rivets and riveted joints. Use of
thread gauge.
sheet with holes for cables and
various fittings. (15 hrs) Description of carpenter's tools Care and
maintenance of tools. (20 hrs)
Professional P r e p a r e 15.Demonstrate and identify various Wire Joints:
Skill 60 Hrs; terminations, make types of cables used in domestic, Trade tools specifications.
good quality of commercial and industrial wiring
Professional electrical wire joints systems. (9 hrs) Properties of conductors,
Knowledge Fundamental of electricity. Electron
10 Hrs for single and multi 16.Practice stripping and skinning of theory; free electron, fundamental terms,
strand conductors different cables. Measure thickness of definitions, units & effects of electric
and carry out wire using SWG and micrometer. (9 current.
crimping, soldering hrs) Types of wires & cables, standard wire
and brazing. (NOS: 17.Demonstrate and Practice bare gauge.
PSS/N2512, PSS/ conductors joints, viz. Rat tail, Duplex
N1331) cross, Knotted type, Britannia, Current carrying capacity of different
straight, Tee, Western union, fixture Specification of wires & Cables-insulation
Joints, split bolt connector, etc. (21 & voltage grades
18.Practice in soldering. (7 hrs) - Low , medium & high voltage
Precautions in using various types of
19.Practice in brazing. (07 hrs) cables / Ferrules.
20.Practice on crimping thimbles, lugs Types of Wire joints & their application.
and fitting of a push fit co-axial plug
and socket. (7 hrs) Effects of electric current on human
Reasons for shock. Insulators, semi-
conductors and resistors.
Voltage grading of different types of
Insulators, permissible temperature rise.
Solders, flux and soldering techniques.
(10 hrs)
Professional Draw and set up DC 21.Measure resistance using voltage Basic Electricity:
Skill 130 and AC circuits, drop method. (05 hrs) Introduction of National Electrical Code
Hrs; involving R-L-C 22.Measure resistance using 2011.
c o m p o n e n t s , wheatstone bridge method. (06 hrs)