Page 14 - Wireman - TP - Hindi
P. 14
Professional p e r f o r m 23.Verify thermal effect of electric current Ohm's Law, Kirchoff's Laws
Knowledge measurement of and change in resistance due to Series and parallel circuits.
30 Hrs various electrical temperature. (06 hrs) Open and short circuits in series and
parameters with 24.Verify Ohm's law in electrical circuit. parallel networks.
due care and safety. (05 hrs) Laws of Resistance and various types
Carry out Sealing of 25.Measure current and voltage in of resistors. Series and parallel
energy meters and electrical circuits to verify Kirchhoff's combinations of resistors.
Monitor meter Law. (9 hrs) Wheatstone bridge; principle and its
readings using MRI.
26.Verify the characteristics of series- applications.
(NOS:PSS/N1707) parallel combination of resistors. (05 Different methods of measuring the
hrs) values of resistance.
27.Determine the poles and plot the field Magnetism; Magnetic terms, magnetic
of a magnet bar. (05 hrs) materials and properties of magnet.
28.Wind a solenoid and determine the Principles and laws of electro-
magnetic effect of electric current. (05 magnetism.
hrs) Self and mutually induced EMFs.
29.Demonstrate generation of mutually Electrostatics: Capacitor- Different
induced emf. (05 hrs) types, functions, grouping and uses.
30.Identify various types of capacitors, Inductive and capacitive reactance, their
charging / discharging and testing. effect on AC circuit and related vector
Group the given capacitors to get the concepts.
required capacity and voltage rating. Comparison and Advantages of DC and
(06 hrs) AC systems.
31.Measure current, voltage, power Related terms frequency, Instantaneous
factor and determine the value, R.M.S. value, Average value, Peak
characteristics of RL, RC and RLC factor, form factor, power factor and
in AC series and parallel circuits. (12 Impedance etc.
32.Measure power, energy for lagging Sine wave, phase and phase difference.
and leading power factors in single Active and Reactive power.
phase and three phase circuits. (12 Single Phase and three-phase system.
hrs) Advantages of AC poly-phase system.
33.Demonstrate improvement of PF by Problems on A.C. circuits.
use of capacitors in AC three phase Concept of three-phase Star and Delta
circuits. (06 hrs) connection.
34.Ascertain use of neutral by identifying Line and phase voltage, current and
wires of a 3-phase 4 wire system and power in a 3 phase circuits with balanced
find the phase sequence using phase and unbalanced load.
sequence meter. (05 hrs) Measuring instruments;
35.Determine the effect of broken neutral Classification of electrical instruments
wire in three phase four wire system. and essential forces required in indicating
(05 hrs) instruments.
36.Measure the Power of three phase PMMC and Moving iron instruments.
circuit for balanced and unbalanced Measurement of various electrical
loads. (05 hrs) parameters using different analog and
37.Practice on measuring instruments digital instruments viz., multi-meter,
in single and three phase circuits viz., Wattmeter, Energy meter, Phase
Wattmeter, Energy meter, Phase sequence meter, Frequency meter, etc.
sequence meter and Frequency Measurement of energy in three phase
meter etc. (08 hrs) circuit.
38.Practice on using analog and digital Important common applicable IE rules.
multi-meter for measurement of Meter Reading;
various parameters. (05 hrs) - Description of MRI
39.Measure electrical parameters using - Reading of Meter by MRI (30 hrs)
tong tester in three phase circuits.
(05 hrs)
40.Practice installation and sealing of
energy meters. (05 hrs)