Page 15 - Wireman - TP - Hindi
P. 15
41.Practice on collecting meter reading
of various meters using MRI and
study of MRI reports. (05 hrs)
Professional Explain basic 42.Demonstrate Thermal & Nuclear Power system:
Skill 50 Hrs; concepts of power plants using visual aids. (05 Generation, transmission and distribution
g e n e r a t i o n , hrs)
Professional of electrical power
Knowledge transmission and 43.Demonstrate different transmission General idea about overhead
10 Hrs distribution of and distribution systems using visual transmission, distribution (LV, MV & HV)
electrical power aids. (06 hrs.) and their types and accessories used.
i n c l u d i n g 44.Demonstrate different renewable
renewable energy. energy power plants viz., Solar, wind, Types of Distribution system
(NOS: PSS/ small, mini µ hydro power plants Line protecting devices
N7001) using visual aids. (06 hrs.) Types of substations - indoor, outdoor &
45.Identify different types of insulators. Pole mounted, etc.
(Video demonstration/ charts). Substation Equipments
(03 hrs) Switchgear; CBs - ACB, VCB, SF6,
46.Visit to distribution sub-station to OCB etc. protection schemes, current
familiarize with equipment and various transformer, Potential transformer,
accessories. (08 Hrs) Protective relays, lightning arrestors,
47.Demonstrate operation of various Different types of switches and switch
circuit breakers viz., ACB, VCB, SF6, gears, multi Range switches, rotary
OCB etc. using visual aids. (10 hrs.) switches, cooker control panels, power
48.Demonstrate different types of circuit switches, thermostat, mercury
substations viz., outdoor, indoor, pole switches etc. (10 hrs)
mounted, etc. using visual aids. (06
49.Prepare a line diagram of the institute/
ITI supply system. (06 hrs.)
Professional Plan and prepare 50.Demonstrate and identify various Earthing:
Skill 40 Hrs; Plate and Pipe components of earthing installation. Importance of Earthing.
e a r t h i n g (05 hrs)
Professional I. E. Rules for earthing conduits using
Knowledge installations and 51.Prepare pipe earthing and measure earth clips and earth wire as per IS 732-
ensure safe and
7 Hrs earth resistance by earth tester/ 1863.
effective earthing. megger. (9 Hrs) Plate earthing, pipe earthing grid/mesh
(NOS: PSS/N6002) 52.Prepare plate earthing and measure earthing.
earth resistance by earth tester/ Earth resistance, earth leakage current
megger. (9 Hrs) and circuit breaker.
53.Demonstrate grid/ mesh earthing. (06 Difference between grounding and
Hrs) earthing.
54.Practice grounding of equipment and Awareness of circuit main earth (CME)
systems. (06 Hrs) and portable earth. (07 hrs)
55.Test earth leakage by ELCB and relay.
(05 Hrs)
Professional Carry out wiring, 56.Identify parts of DC machines and their DC Machines;
Skill 50 Hrs; testing, and terminals. (04 Hrs.) General concept of rotating electrical
maintenance of DC machines.
Professional machines including 57.Carry out wiring of different DC motors
Knowledge DC motor starters. and generators. (8 Hrs.) Principle of DC generator.
10 Hrs 58.Dismantle and identify parts of three Use of Armature, Field Coil, Polarity,
(NOS: N/A)
point and four-point DC motor starters. Yoke, Cooling Fan, Commutator, slip ring
(05 Hrs.) and Brushes, Laminated core etc.
59.Assemble, Service and repair three E.M.F. equation
point and four-point DC motor starters. Separately excited and self-excited
(9 Hrs.) generators.
60.Practice maintenance of carbon Series, shunt and compound generators.
brushes, brush holders, Commutator Armature reaction, Commutation,
and slip-rings. (9 Hrs.) interpoles and connection of interpoles.