Page 19 - Smartphone Technician - TP - Hindi
P. 19
58 Check the continuity of
jumper using multimeter.
(02 hrs)
59 Identify and practice
troubleshooting of network
issues. (01 hr)
60 Demonstrate working
process of heat-sink. (03 hrs)
Professional Disassemble and assemble 61 Identify various Tablets and Introduction to Tablet type
Skill 48 Hrs; various Tablets, identify perform installation of Computer.
defects, replace faulty different software & different Procedures of Assembling and
Professional components and perform Operating Systems. (06 Dissembling Tablet.
Knowledge 12 testing. hrs) Functions and block diagrams of
Hrs (Maps NOS: ELE/N8107) 62 Create & restore backup Tablet. Study of parts of Tablet.
data from tablet to a Working of Tablet Motherboard.
computer. (06 hrs)
63 Identify Different connectors Identification of ICs detail and its
functions. Damaged and working
and sockets. (06 hrs)
64 Repair motherboard and components. Study of Initial
failure identification procedure.
hard disk of tablet. (05 hrs)
65 Identify & indicate ICs, test Overview of troubleshooting &
the damaged and working replacing methods of sections
component, detect fault like SIM detection, mic , speaker,
using multimeter. (05 hrs) Bluetooth, wi-fi section, touch
66 Check different sections screen section, etc. (12 hrs)
viz., SIM detection, mic,
speaker, camera, Bluetooth,
wi-fi section, touch screen
section, Display light
problem, Touchpad
problem, Finger prints
module and replace
components. (20 hrs)
Professional Skill Identify functionality of 67 Install and check Introduction to different types of
18 Hrs; different types of apps, their functionality of different govt. Mobile Apps – Native (one time
settings, parameters & Promotional app. (18 hrs) download from app store), web
Professional various sources. (Maps (Every time downloaded from
Knowledge 06 NOS: ELE/N8104) Mobile Bowser), Study of
Hrs Importance of Mobile App Testing
– Phones getting truly smarter,
more mobile usages, faster
Introduction to app testing and
sources of app (such as Play
store, App store etc.)
Familiarization with govt.
promotional apps such as BHIM,
IRCTC etc. (06 hrs)
Professional Skill Test different functional 68 Perform functional test to Overview of different types of
18 Hrs; parameters such as check if the App meets its mobile testing procedures &
purpose, performance, purpose. (09 hrs) methods.
Professional storage, compatibility of 69 Demonstrate Storage Familiarization with different
Knowledge 06 different mobile apps. testing, compatibility testing types of mobile application
Hrs (Maps NOS: ELE/N8104) and application response testing. (06 hrs)
testing. (09hrs)