Page 14 - Smartphone Technician - TP - Hindi
P. 14
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इस पु क के अ म आप यह जान सक गे
. अ यन के प रणाम अ ास सं.
1 Identify and check basic electronic components for their functioning 1.1.01 - 1.2.17
following safety precautions.
2 Identify different sections of various mobile phones and explain 1.3.18 - 1.3.25
concept of Mobile Network.
3 Identify defects in Multimedia handset (Non-android based), replace 1.3.26 - 1.3.29
faulty components and perform testing.
4 Disassemble and assemble various Smartphones, identify different 1.4.30 - 1.4.35
types of ICs and perform basic editing in different apps,
OS installation, reboot procedure, password cracking, etc
5 Identify defects in Smartphones, replace faulty components and 1.5.36 - 1.5.44
perform testing.
6 Perform removing of virus, Install firmware, encryption/ decryption, 1.6.45 - 1.6.52
use third party software, flash different android dead phones etc.
7 Troubleshoot Software problems using internet, backup data, 1.6.53 &
update and provide hard drive solutions. 1.6.54
8 Trace the PCB through jumper/ schematic diagrams, repair track 1.7.55 - 1.7.60
using jumpering techniques, Perform flashing and troubleshooting
of high end software.
9 Disassemble and assemble various Tablets, identify defects,
replace faulty components and perform testing. 1.8.61 - 1.8.66
10 Identify functionality of different types of apps, their settings, 1.9.67
parameters & various sources.
11 Test different functional parameters such as purpose, performance, 1.9.68 &
storage, compatibility of different mobile apps. 1.9.69
12 Check different functionality parameters of mobile Apps such as 1.9.70
memory leakage, load, backup, power consumption etc.
13 Examine defects in smartphone/ software, using Graphical 1.9.71 &
User Interface. 1.9.72
14 Set & test network connections, check SD Card Interactions, 1.10.73 &
mobile App settings on different platforms. 1.10.74
15 Comply basic security features of mobile app testing. 1.10.75 &