Page 15 - Smartphone Technician - TP - Hindi
P. 15
Duration Reference Learning Professional Skill Professional Knowledge
Outcome (Trade Practical) (Trade Theory)
(With indicative hour)
Professional Identify and check basic 1 Visit to various sections of Familiarization with the working
Skill 48 Hrs; electronic components for the institute and identify of Industrial Training Institute
their functioning following location of various system.
Professional safety precautions. installations. (07 hrs) Importance of safety and
Knowledge 12 (Maps NOS: ELE/N1002) 2 Identify safety signs for precautions to be taken in the
Hrs danger, warning, caution & industry/ shop floor.
personal safety message.
(04 hrs) Introduction to PPEs.
3 Perform Use of Personal Introduction to First Aid.
Protective Equipment
(PPE). (06 hrs) Importance of housekeeping &
4 Perform elementary first aid. good shop floor practices.
(03 hrs) Occupational Safety & Health:
5 Perform Preventive measures Health, Safety and Environment
for electrical accidents & steps guidelines, legislations &
to be taken in such accidents. regulations as applicable. (06
(05 hrs) hrs)
6 Perform Use of Fire
extinguishers. (04 hrs)
7 Identify various electronic Introduction to the trade and
components. (02 hrs) future scope.
8 Check Value of resistance Overview of current, Voltages,
& capacitance by using Resistance (including color
appropriate procedures. code),Conductors,
(03hrs) semiconductors, insulator,
9 Identify conductors, Diodes (PN Junction, Zener,
Semiconductors & LED, Varactor), Rectifiers,
Insulators. (02 hrs) Various types Capacitors
10 Identify all types of diodes (including color code),
& verify their characteristics. Transistors (Transistor as a
(02 hrs) switch and amplifier)
11 Perform testing of Transistor Concept of open and close
& verify their characteristics. circuit, Brief knowledge about
(02 hrs)
12 Demonstrate use of RELAY,
transistor as a switch and Overview of Transformer (step up
amplifier. (03 hrs) and step down);
13 Identify various transformers Overview of Multimeter (Analog
& checking procedure of & Digital), Soldering technique,
step-up & step-down numbering system (Binary,
transformer. (02 hrs) Hexadecimal, BCD),
14 Identify various types of Overview of Digital IC & T-T-L,
Multimeters. (02 hrs).
15 Perform checking of all Concept of CMOS
components using Familiarization of different types
Multimeter. (02 hrs) of Logic gates. (basic & universal
16 Perform Soldering & de- gates) (06 hrs)
soldering of various Electronic
components. (02 hrs)
17 Identify different types of
digital ICs. (02 hrs)