Page 16 - Smartphone Technician - TP - Hindi
P. 16

Professional    Identify different sections of  18 Demonstrate  block  History of Mobile Phone and
         Skill 18 Hrs;   various mobile phones and    diagram, circuit diagram of  common features of mobile
                         explain concept of Mobile    basic mobile phone. (03 hrs)  phone (DCT 3, 4, BB 5 etc.).
         Professional    Network.                  19 Disassemble and assemble  Basics      of      Mobile
         Knowledge 06    (Maps NOS: ELE/N8107)        different mobile phones. (04  Communication
         Hrs                                          hrs)                     Familiarization with generation
                                                   20 Identify basic faults in  of mobiles viz., GSM/CDMA/
                                                      different mobiles. (02 hrs)  WCDMA etc.
                                                   21 Identify GSM/ WCDMA
                                                      mobile handset and check  Mobile phone structure,
                                                      functionality. (03 hrs)  Frequency, Channels, GPS,
                                                   22 Identify Network connection  EDGE, HSPA.
                                                      problem and solve it. (01 hr)  Overview of SIM & IMEI
                                                   23 Practice lock/ unlock of SIM  numbers.
                                                      and check mobile IMEI    Introduction of GPRS, Bluetooth
                                                      number. (01 hr)          & Infrared technology and
                                                   24 Demonstrate working      working principle.
                                                      process of USB and       Circuit Tracing of Different
                                                      Ethernet port. (03 hrs)  Section of Mobile Phone.
                                                   25 Demonstrate different types
                                                      of network/ data cables.  Description of USB, Ethernet
                                                      (01hr)                   port and different types of
                                                                               network/ data cables.
                                                                               Concept of mobile Network,
                                                                               LAN, MAN, WAN.
                                                                               2G/3G/4G network protocols.
                                                                               (06 hrs)

         Professional    Identify   defects    in  26 Identify different multimedia  Concept of multimedia. Battery
         Skill 18 Hrs;   Multimedia handset (Non-     handsets. (05 hrs)       system & different type of Cells/
                         android based), replace   27 Identify the different   Batteries uses.
         Professional    faulty components and        functional areas/ blocks of  Circuit Diagram and block
         Knowledge 06    perform testing.             motherboard of basic     diagram of basic multimedia
         Hrs             (Maps NOS: ELE/N8107)        multimedia handset. (04 hrs)  handset and different types of
                                                   28 Perform replacement of   antenna used in handsets.
                                                      components viz., speaker,  Standard safety precautions
                                                      mic, vibrartor, earphone  while repairing handsets.
                                                      connector,     charging
                                                      connector, data cable    PCB and concept of its
                                                      connector, etc. (04 hrs)  connections.
                                                   29 Identify problems and    Overview and working process
                                                      replace display and keypad  of speaker, mic, vibrartor,
                                                      of basic mobile handset. (05  earphone connector, charging
                                                      hrs)                     connector,    data   cable
                                                                               Concept of Display change
                                                                               Concept of keypad change
                                                                               procedure. (06 hrs)

         Professional    Disassemble and assemble  30 Identify popular applications  Difference  between
         Skill 48 Hrs;   various Smartphones,         used in android mobile   SmartPhone and basic mobile
                         identify different types of ICs  system. (10 hrs)     phone.
         Professional    and perform basic editing in  31 Demonstrate downloading  Study various part of
         Knowledge 12    different   apps,   OS       procedure, registration  Smartphone architecture.
         Hrs             installation,    reboot      procedure via banking,
                         procedure, password          sharing internet via hotspot,  Overview of mobile operating
                                                                               system and types of OS.
                         cracking, etc.               file sharing procedure of
                         (Maps NOS: ELE/N8107)

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