Page 12 - R&ACT 1st Year - TT- TELUGU
P. 12
Reference Professional Skills Professional Knowledge
Duration Learning (Trade Practical) (Trade Theory)
Outcome With Indicative Hours
Professional Identify trade related 1.Identify workshop & machineries. Introduction to trade and
Skill 25 Hrs.; hazards and safety (10 hrs.) related industries.General
procedures following safety precautions and first
Professional safety precautions. 2.Demonstrate Safety precautions aids, firefighting equipment
Knowledge 04 and First aid. (05 hrs.) and electrical safety.History of
Hrs. 3.Demonstrate firefighting (05 hrs.) Refrigeration and Air conditioning.
4.Demonstrate working at height Grooming of technicians.(04hrs..)
using PPE’s and identify the Fitting
hazards and take personal
safety precautions. (5 hrs.)
Professional 5. Identify general tools, Different types of Fitting hand
Skill 25Hrs.; Produce fitting instruments & equipment. tools,- their use. Function,
Professional jobs as per drawing Care and maintenance of tool, construction, working and
instruments and equipment. (10
Knowledge 5 (Range of operations, hrs.) Machineries and equipment used
Hrs. marking, sawing, fil- 6. Perform measuring, marking, in fittings like drilling machine and
punching, hacksawing and grinding machine. (05 hrs)
flat filing,to make a job as per Sheet Metal
drawing. (15 hrs.)
Professional ing, drilling.) 7. Perform Sheet Cutting by straight Function,construction,
Skill 25 Hrs.; snip as per drawing. (07 hrs.) working, use, and application,
Professional Produce Sheet metal 8. Perform Sheet Cutting by bent specification of Sheet metal
Knowledge components (range snip as per drawing. (07 hrs.) tools, instruments
04 Hrs. of operation marking, and equipment. Care and
metal cutting, 9. Bend, fold and join metal sheets maintenance of tools. Rivet &
bending, riveting and in different process. (06 hrs.) riveting- their types and use. (04
10. Join sheet metal by using rivet hrs..)
set and snap. (05 hrs.)
Professional soldering etc.) 11 Demonstrate electricalsafety Electrical
Skill 35 Hrs.; precautions and first aid. (05 Electrical terms such as AC
Professional hrs.) and DC supply, Voltage,
Knowledge 06 Identify electrical 12 Identify, use and maintain Current, Resistance, Power,
Hrs. safety. Join different electrical tools. (05 hrs.) Energy, Frequency etc.Safety
wire, measure power, precautions to be observed
currents, volts and 13. Measure current, voltage, while working on electricity.
earth resistance etc. resistance ,power, energy using Conductors and Insulators,
Connect single phase analog and digital meter through Materials used as conductors.
motors. a single phase circuit. (25 hrs.) Series and parallel circuit,
open circuit, short circuit, etc.
Measuring Instruments such as
voltmeter, ammeter, ohm meter,
watt meter, energy meter and
frequency meter. Earthing and
its importance.Earth resistance.
Insulation and continuity test.
(06 hrs..)