Page 11 - Plumber- TT - 1st Year - Tamil
P. 11

T«t£ Gi                          T«t£dLô] ùRôPo× LÚj§Vp                                 TdL Gi

              1.7.63-1.7.66    TpúYß YûLVô] ûTl CûQl×Ls v¥ûWh, ©Wôugf,
                               Pôlh, ×ú[ô, GdvúTuNu CûQl× Tt± ®Y¬jRp
                               (Description of various Pipe joint, Straight, Branch, Taft, Blow, Expansion joints)  206
                               Tϧ 8 : TmlLs Utßm ©.®.£ CûQl×Ls
                                                (Pumps and PVC Joints)
                 1.8.67        ©[mTôó ùUh¼ôõVpLs ùXh, ¥u, _õd, NôpPo, LôlTo, ùWh
                               ùXh Utßm ARu TVuLs (Description of Plumber's materials lead,
                               tin, zinc, solder, copper, red lead etc, and their uses)                   207
              1.8.68-1.8.70    TX®RUô] TmlLû[ Tt± ®Y¬jRp Nd`u Tml,
                               ùNu¥¬©ëdp Tml CRW TX (Description and types of Pumps
                               VIZ suction pump, centrifugal pump etc,)                                   211

                 1.8.71        ¡Qtß ¿ôó UôÑûPRp (Contamination of water in a well)                        236
                 1.8.72        ûTl ûPvLû[ ®Y¬jRp AYt±u TVuLs Utßm
                               TôÕLôl× (Description of pipe dies their uses care and precaution)          239
                 1.8.73        vúPiPoÓ ûTl UûWLs (Standard Pipe Threads)                                  241
              1.8.74-1.8.75    ©.®.£. ûTlþLs Yû[jRp CûQjRp Utßm
                               ùTôÚjÕRÛdLô] Y¯Øû\Ls (Method employed for beding,
                               joining and fixing P.V.C. pipe)                                            243
                 1.8.76        Ri½o Utßm YôÙdLÞdLô] ûTlL°u CûQl×l
                               ùTôÚhLs  (Joining material for water and gas pipes)                        248
                               Tϧ 9 : Y¥Lôp AûUl× (Drainage Systems)
                 1.9. 77       CuvùTd`u ùNmTo, ùNl¥d úPed, ¥ùW«u, ùNvép,
                               úNôd©h CRW TX (Inspection chamber, septic tank, description of drains,
                               cesspools, soak pits etc., )                                               251
                 1.9. 78       ¥WôlL°u YûLLs (Types of traps)                                             254
                 1.9. 79       ãPô] Utßm Ï°okR ¨ûX«p ûTlLû[ Yû[dÏm Øû\
                               (Method of bending pipe by hot and cold method)                            257
              1.9. 80-1.9.82   Y¥Lôp ûXuLû[ úNô§dÏm Øû\
                               (Method of testing drainage lines)                                         257
                               Tϧ 10 : YôhPôó Nlû[ §hPm (Water Supply Systems)
              1.10. 83-1.10.84  YôpÜLs Utßm ûTlLû[ ©ôõjùRÓjRp Y¯Øû\Ls
                               AYt±u TÝÕLû[ NôõùNnÕ UߺWûUjRp Utßm
                               ©[m©e §hPj§p EiPôÏm NlReLÞm KûNLs
                               (Method of dismantling and renewal of the valves and pipes and leaks in
                               pipes and holes in plumbing)                                               261
              1.10. 85-1.10.86  Ri½o ÁhPo ¨ßÜRp ûTlL°p EiPôÏm HoXôd
                               Utßm ARû] ùY°úVtßRp (Installation of water meter air lock in
                               pipes and its removal)                                                     269
             1.10. 87-1.10.88  TXYûL YôpÜLs Utßm LôdLs, ùUh¼ôõVpLs Utßm
                               SuûULs, (Types of valves and cocks, Materials and advantages)              272
             1.10. 89-1.10.93  Nô²P¬ Alû[Vu^v Tt± ®Y¬jRp Utßm ¨ßÜRp
                               (Description and Installation of Sanitary appliances)                      286

                1.10. 94       YôhPôó Nlû[ ûTl þLû[ úNô§jRp (Test for Water supply pipes)                 307

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