Page 10 - Plumber- TT - 1st Year - Tamil
P. 10
T«t£ Gi T«t£dLô] ùRôPo× LÚj§Vp TdL Gi
1.5.28 Lh¥P YûWTPm Tt± A±Rp Utßm ÑYoL°u ÏßdÏ
ùYhÓj úRôt\m Lh¥P YûWTPj§p ϱdLlThÓs[
JqùYôÚ Lh¥PeLÞdÏ úRûYVô] ©[m©e úNûYL°u
úRûYLû[ AûPVô[m LôÔRp (Knowledge of building plan and
cross section of wall identify plumbing services required for each type of building
according to usage) 136
Tϧ 6 : ©[mTo (Plumber)
1.6.29-1.6.31 ©[mTo LÚ®Ls Utßm ETLWQeLs Tt± ®[dÏRp,
LÚ®L°u TVu Utßm LY]UôL TôÕLôjRp (Description
of plumber tools and equipment care and use of tools) 141
1.6.32-1.6.33 ûTlL°u ùYqúYß YûLLs (Pipes different kinds) 147 TX®R ®hPØs[ ûTlLû[ Yû[jRp Y¯Øû\Ls
(Method of pipe bending in different dia) 148
1.6.36-1.6.40 aôh úLv ùYp¥eÏdÏ úRûYVô] LÚ®Ls Utßm
NôR]eLs Utßm ©.©.Bo ûTl CûQl×LXõdLôQ
GXd¥¬d aôh ©ú[h (Equipments and tools for hot gas welding and
electric hot plate for P.P.R pipe joints) 152
1.6.41-1.6.46 TXYûL ûTlL°p CûQdLlTÓm TX®R ©h¥eÏL°u
YûLLs (Types of fittings for different joints in different pipes) 154 ©,®,£, £.©.®.£, ©.©.Bo Utßm ùaf.¥.©.C. ûTlL°u
TX®R CûQl×LÞdLô] TX®R ©h¥eÏLs Utßm
ùNnùTôÚhLs (Different kinds of joints, fittings and materials in joining
pipes, PVC, CPVC, PPR and HDPE) 164
1.6.51-1.6.52 Ri½¬p LXkÕs[ûYLs - ¿WôRôWm, L¥]¿o Utßm
ùUu¿o RtLôXõL L¥]jRuûU Utßm ¨WkRW L¥]jRuûU
(Composition of water - Sources of water, hard & soft water, temporary hardness
and permanent hardness) 172
1.6.53-1.6.54 ¨ûXVô] ¿o AÝjRm Utßm AÝjRm LQd¡ÓRp,
AÝjRjRôp ùY¥jRp (Static water pressure and measurement
of pressures bursting pressure) 187
1.6.55-1.6.57 Eû\T² Utßm ùYlTj§u LôWQUôL ¿Wô]Õ ®¬YûPRp
(Expansion of water on freezing and heating) 190
1.6.58 ùToú]ôXõv ϱdúLôsLs, TôvLp ®§, £vPou ApXÕ
ùRôh¥«p TdLl TϧL°p HtTÓm AÝjRm, ûTlL°p
EiPôÏm YôhPo úaUo (Bernoulli’s principles, pascal’s law, pressure
of water on the sides of cistern or tank water hammer in pipes) 192
1.6.59 YôhPo úaUo AWvPo úYûX ùNnÙm ®Rm Tt± ®[dÏRp
(Description and working of water hammer arrester) 199
Tϧ 7 : ûTl©e §hPm (Piping System)
1.7.60 TX®R®hPØs[ aömÓ Utßm BvùTvPôv ûTlL°p
TVuLs (Use of hummed and asbestos pipes of different sizes) 201
1.7.61-1.7.62 ûTlLû[ úX«e ùNnÕ ºWûUjRp Utßm CûQjRp Tt±V
Y¯Øû\Ls (Method of laying out pipes alignment and joining) 205