Page 9 - Plumber- TT - 1st Year - Tamil
P. 9


             T«t£ Gi                          T«t£dLô] ùRôPo× LÚj§Vp                                 TdL Gi

                               Tϧ 1 : TôÕLôl× (Safety)

              1.1.01-1.1.06    TôÕLôl©u Ød¡VjÕYm Utßm ùRô¯t©¬®tLô]
                               ùTôÕYô] Øuù]fN¬dûL (Importance of safety and general
                               precautions  required for the trade)                                        1

              1.1.07-1.1.09    ùRô¯t©¬®u Ød¡VjÕYm Utßm T«t£Vô[oLs
                               ùNnÙm TXYûL úYûXLs, ©[m©e úYûX Yônl×Ls,
                               úNûYLs Tt± §hPªÓRp (Importance of the Trade and types
                               of work done by the trainees, scope of a plumbing work, types of services
                               have to plan)                                                               9
                 1.1.10        A¥lTûP ùTuf ùTôÚj§Ls (Basic bench fittings)                                16
                               Tϧ 2 : ûLdLÚ®Ls (Hand Tools)

                 1.2.11        ©[mTo ùTôÕYô] ûLdLÚ®Ls - ùTVoLs, ®[dÏRp
                               Utßm GkR®R ùTôÚhL[ôp B]Õ GuTûR ®[dÏÏRp,
                               úaôp¥e ¥ûYv, Ñj§VpLs Utßm úLôph ££pLs
                               YûLLs Utßm TVuLs Tt± ®[dÏRp, Lh¥e LÚ®Ls
                               (Plumber common hand tools - Names, description and material from which
                               they are made description, types and uses of holding device, hammers & cold
                               chisels, cutting tools)                                                    19

                               Tϧ 3 :  --©hPo (Fitter)
                 1.3.12        úad^ô«e, Tuf£e Utßm @ûTXõedLô] G°V
                               ùTôÚjÕRp ùNVpTôÓ Tt± ®[dÏRp (Description of
                               simple fitting operations hacksawing, punching and filing)                 29

                 1.3.13        ùTôÕYôL TVuTÓjRlTÓm TXYûL @ûTpLs
                               (Types of files used commonly)                                             33

              1.3.14-1.3.17    TXYûLVô] EsUûW ùYhÓm Øû\Ls Tt± A±kÕ
                               ùLôsÞRp (About different types of inner thread cutting)                    49
                               Tϧ 4 : ùYpPo (Welder)

              1.4.18-1.4.20    úLv ùYp¥e¡u AY£Vm, úLv ùYp¥edLôQ Y¯Øû\,
                               LûP©¥dL úYi¥V TôÕLôl× Øuù]fN¬dûLLs
                               (Purpose of gas welding method of gas welding safety precautions to be
                               observed)                                                                  73
                               Tϧ 5 : úUNu (Mason)
              1.5.21-1.5.22    úUNu ûLdLÚ®L°u ùTVo, YûLLs Utßm ARu
                               TVuLû[l Tt± ®TWUôL ®[dÏRp (Name and Description of
                               mason’s hand tools, types and their uses)                                  96
                 1.5.23        ùNeLp, ÑiQôm× Utßm £ùUih Tt± LÚjÕÚ
                               (Concept of bricks, lime and cement)                                       109
                 1.5.24         NôWmLhÓRp Utßm £ùUih úUt éfÑ éÑRp, ©ù[«u
                               £ùUih Lôu¸Ãh, Bo.£.£ Utßm ARu ®¡RôNôWeLs
                               (Scaffolding and plastering, define plain cement concrete, R.C.C&it’s proportion)  120
              1.5.25-1.5.27    úLôov Ad¬úLh Utßm Nu] Ad¬úLh RWeLs, YôhPo
                               ×ì@l©e LômTÜiÓ Tt± A±Rp (Grades of coarse aggregate and
                               fine aggregate, knowledge of water proofing compound)                      130

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