Page 15 - Electrician 1st year - TP
P. 15
T«t£ Gi T«t£ TdL Gi
1.8.74 ÅÓ Utßm ùRô¯tNôûX ªu AûUl× ¨ßÜRûX úNôRû]
ùNnRp/ Ïû\TôÓLû[ LiÓ©¥jRp Utßm TÝÕ TôojRp
B¡VûYLÞdÏ T«t£ A°jRp (Practice testing /fault detection of
domestic and industrial wiring installation and repair) 228
1.8.75 ûTl Goj§e AûUjRp Utßm Goj ùPvPo ùUdLûW
TVuTÓj§ ¨X ªuRûPûV A[jRp (Prepare pipe
earthing and measure earth resistance by earth tester/megger)
(QR Code Pg No 230)* 230
1.8.76 ©ú[h Goj§e AûUjRp Utßm Goj ùPvPo/ ùUdLûW
TVuTÓj§ Goj ªuRûPûV A[jRp (Prepare plate earthing and
measure earth resistance by earth tester / megger) 233
1.8.77 ELCB (Goj ÄdúLw Nodëh ©úWdLo) Utßm ¬úXûY TVu
TÓj§ ¨X ªu L£ûY úNôRû]«Pp (Test earth leakage by
ELCB and relay) 236
Tϧ 9 : JüõëhÓRp (Illumniaton)
1.9.78 úSW¥ Utßm Uû\ØL, JüõëhPj§tLôL þ
G§ùWô°lTôàPu ®[dÏ ùTôÚj§Lû[ ¨ßÜRp
(Install light fitting with reflectors for direct and indirect lightings) 238
1.9.79 ϱl©hP ªu]Ýj§tLô] ð™«õÁ I¡Fø¡ Ü÷¾è¬÷‚
ªè£‡ì M÷‚°è¬÷ˆ ªî£ìo CûQl©p ÏÝYôL
CûQjRp (Group different wattage lamps in series for specified voltage) 239
1.9.80 TpúYß ®[dÏLû[ ¨ßY T«t£V°jRp (G.Lô)
@lú[ôWNuh ¥ël, HP ùUoϬ úYlTo, LP ùUoϬ úYlTo,
HP úNô¥Vm úYlTo, LP úNô¥Vm úYlTo, ùUhPpûaûXh
ØRXõV] (Practice installation of various lamps eg. fluorescent tube,
HP mercury vapour, LP mercury vapour, HP Sodium vapour, LP Sodium vapour,
Metal halide etc.) 243
1.9.81 ÑZÛm Jüõ/ KÓYÕ úTôu\ Jüõ ®û[ûY EÚYôdL
AXeLôW ®[dÏ ªuÑtû\ RVôo ùNnRp (Prepare a decorative
lamp circuit to produce rotating light effect/ running light effect) 248
1.9.82 ú`ôúLv ®[dÏLÞdÏ ®[dÏ @©h¥eûL ¨ßÜRp
(Install light fitting for show case lighting) 250
Tϧ 10 : A[dÏm LÚ®Ls (Measuring Instruments)
1.10.83 TXYûL A]Xôd Utßm ¥_õhPp A[®Óm LÚ®L°p
T«t£ ùTßRp (Practice on various analog and digital measuring
instruments) 252
1.10.84 £e¡s úTv Utßm êuß úTv ªuÑt±p A[dÏm
LÚ®L°p T«t£ ùTßRp (G.Lô) Up¥ ÁhPo, Yôh ÁhPo,
G]o_õ ÁhPo, úTv ºdÏYuv Utßm ©¬dÏYu£ ÁhPo
(Practice on measuring instrument in single and three phase circuit eg. multi
meter, wattmeter, energy meter, phase sequence and frequency meter etc) 256
1.10.85 3 úTv ªuÑt±p CWiÓ Yôh ÁhPoLû[ TVuTÓj§,
ªu§\û] A[jRp (Measure the power in 3-phase circuit using two
wattmeter methods) 259