Page 12 - Electrician 1st year - TP
P. 12

T«t£ Gi                                       T«t£                                       TdL Gi

          1.4.39         JÚ ùNôXõ]ônÓ (solenid) ûV ÑtßRp Utßm ªuNôWjRôp
                         HtTÓm LôkR ®û[ÜLû[ ¾oUô²jRp (Wind a solenid and
                         determine the magnetic effect of electric current)                         112
          1.4.40         çiPlThP ªu]ÝjRj§u §ûN Utßm ªuú]ôhPjûR
                         LiÓ©¥jRp (Determine the direction of induced E.M.F and current)            116
          1.4.41         TWvTWUôL (Mutually) çiPlTÓm ªu]ÝjRjûR EtTj§
                         ùNnÙm T«t£ (Practice on generation of mutually induced EMF)                118

          1.4.42         ªuRûP Utßm Cm©Puvû^ A[®Pp Utßm ùYqúYß
                         áhPûUl©p úNôd Lô«Xõu CuPdPuvû^ ¾oUô²jRp
                         (Measure the resistance, impedence and determine the inductance of choke
                         coils in different combinations)                                           120

          1.4.43         TpúYß YûLVô] ùLlTô£hPoLû[ LiP±Rp Utßm
                         ªuú]t×/ªu²\dLm Utßm úNôRû] ùNnRp (Identify various
                         types of capacitors, charging/ discharging and testing)                    123
          1.4.44         úRûYlTÓm §\u Utßm ªu]ÝjRj§tÏ ùLôÓdLl
                         ThÓs[ ùLlTô£hPoLû[ ÏÝYôL CûQjRp
                         (Group the given capacitors to get the required capacity and voltage rating)  127

                         Tϧ 5 : AC ªuÑtßLs (AC Circuits)
          1.5.45         RL, R- C, R- L - C , AC ùRôPo CûQl× ÑtßdL°u
                         ÏQô§NVeLû[ LiÓ ©¥jRp Utßm ªuú]ôhPm Utßm
                         ªu]ÝjRm Utßm PF B¡VYtû\ A[®Pp (Measure current,
                         voltage and PF and determine the characteristics of the RL, R- C, R- L - C in
                         AC series circuits)                                                        130

          1.5.46         AC ùRôPo ªuÑt±p ùWN]uv @l¬dÏYu£ûV A[®Pp
                         Utßm AR]ôp ªuÑt±p HtTÓm ®û[ûY LiÓ©¥jRp
                         (Measure the resonance frequency in AC series circuit and determine its effect
                         on the circuit)                                                            136

          1.5.47         R - L, R- C Utßm R- L - C TdL CûQl× ªu Ñt±u
                         ÏQô§NVeLû[ LiÓ ©¥jRp Utßm ªuú]ôhPm,
                         ªu]ÝjRm Utßm PF þûV A[®Pp (Measure current, voltage
                         and PF and determine the charactertics of R - L, R- C and R- L - C in AC
                         parallel circuits)                                                         138
          1.5.48         TdL CûQl× ªuÑt±p ùWN]uv @l¬dÏYu£ûV
                         A[®Pp Utßm AR]ôp ªuÑt±p HtTÓm ®û[ûY
                         LiÓ©¥jRp (Measure the resonance frequency in AC parallel circuit and
                         determine its effects on the circuit)                                      142

          1.5.49         £e¡s úTv ªuÑt±p úX¡e Utßm Ä¥e (lagging and leading)
                         TYo @úTdP¬p ªuNd§, ªu]ôt\p B¡VYtû\ A[®Pp
                         Utßm ÏQô§NVeLû[ YûWTPj§u êXm Jl©ÓRp
                         (Measure power, energy for lagging and leading power factors in single phase
                         circuits and compare the characteristics graphically)                      144

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