Page 16 - Electrician 1st year - TP
P. 16
T«t£ Gi T«t£ TdL Gi
1.10.86 3 úTv ªuÑt±u §\u LôW¦ûV A[®Pp Utßm úYôph
ÁhPo, AmÁhPo, Yôh ÁhPo A[ÜLû[ TVuTÓj§
AûR N¬TôojRp (Measure power factor in three phase circuit by using
power factor meter and verify the same with voltmeter, ammeter, wattmeter
readings) 261
1.10.87 3 úTv ªuÑt±p Pôe ùPvPûW TVuTÓj§, ªu
A[ÜLû[ A[jRp (Measure electrical parameters using tong tester in
three phase circuit) 264
1.10.88 vUôoh ÁhP¬u CVt©Vp áßLs Utßm ùRôPo×
áßLû[ ¨ì©jRp (Demonstrate smart meter, its physical components
and communication components) 267
1.10.89 ÁhPo Ã¥e GÓjRp, vUôoh ÁhPo ùTôÚjÕRp Utßm
LiP±Rp (Perform meter readings, install and diagnose smart meters) 268
1.10.90 TXYûL A[Ü LÚ®L°u GpûXûV ®¬YôdÏRp Utßm
úLXõ©úWh ùNnRp (Practice for range extension and calibration of various
measuring instruments) 269
1.10.91 ªu]ÝjR Årf£ Øû\«p ªuRûPûV A[®Óm ùTôÝÕ
HtTÓm ©ûZLû[ ¾oUô²jRp (Determine errors in resistance
measurement by voltage drop method) 275
1.10.92 £e¡s úTv G]o_õ ÁhP¬p HtTÓm ©ûZLÞdLôL
úNôRû] ùNnRp (Test single phase energy meter for its errors) 277
Tϧ 11 : ÅhÓ ªu NôR]eLs (Domestic Appliances)
1.11.93 TXYûL ªu NôR]eL[ô], ªu ùYlT AÓl×, ùYk¿o
ùLô§LXu, NXûY CVk§Wm Utßm ¿o Cû\l× CVk§Wm
B¡VûYL°u ªuTôLeLû[ ©ojùRÓjÕ ÁiÓm
Ju±ûQjRp (Dismantle and Assemble Electrical parts of various
electrical appliance e.g. cooking range, geyser, washing machine and pumpset) 280
1.11.94 ªu úRnl× ùTh¥, ªu ÏÓûY, ªu AÓl× Utßm
ùYk¿o ùLô§LXu B¡VûYLû[ TÝÕTôojRp Utßm
ùNlT²ÓRp (Service and repair of electric iron, electric kettle,
cooking range and geyser) (QR Code Pg No 284)* 284
1.11.95 CuPd`u ªu AÓl× Utßm KYû] TÝÕTôojRp
Utßm ùNlT²ÓRp (Service and repair of induction heater and
oven) (QR Code Pg No 291)* 291
1.11.96 ªd³ Utßm ¡ûWiPo B¡VYtû\ TÝÕ TôojRp Utßm
N¬ùNnRp (Service and repair of mixer and grinder) 294
1.11.97 NXûY CVk§WjûR TWôU¬jRÛm ùNlT²ÓRÛm
(Service and Repair Washing Machine) (QR Code Pg No 299)* 299
Tϧ 12 : ¥Wôuv@TôoUov (Transformers)
1.12.98 £e¡s úTv ¥Wôuv@TôoU¬u Øû]VeLû[ N¬ TôojRp,
ÕûQ ùTôÚhLû[ LiP±Rp Utßm ¥Wôuv@TôoUo
®¡RjûR LQd¡ÓRp (Verify terminals identify components and
calculate transformation ratio of single phase transformers) 303