Page 10 - Electrician 1st year - TP
P. 10
T«t£ Gi T«t£ TdL Gi
1.1.14 ùRô¯t©¬ÜdLô] LÚ®Lû[ LY²jRp Utßm TWôU¬jRp
(Care and Maintenance of trade tools) 35
1.1.15 ùRôPo×ûPV ùRô¯tLÚ®Lû[ CVdÏRp (Operation of allied
trade tools) 37
1.1.16 CWôÜRp Utßm aôdNô«e B¡VYt±tÏ T¦Uû]
T«t£ (Workshop practice on filing and hacksawing)
(QR Code Pg No 41)* 41
Tϧ 2 : ªu Lm©Ls, CûQl×Ls, úNôpP¬e þ
UG úL©sLs (Wires, Joints - Soldering - U.G. Cables)
1.2.17 úL©s Øû]LÞdÏ ùPoªú]Nu RVôo ùNnRp
(Prepare terminations of cable ends) (QR Code Pg No 47)* 47
1.2.18 CuÑúXNû] ¿dÏRp, ØßdÏRp Utßm ¡¬m©e
ùNnRp B¡VYt±tLô] T«t£ (Practice on skinning,
twisting and crimping) (QR Code Pg No 50)* 50
1.2.19 úL©sL°u YûLLû[ LiP±kÕ AYt±u A[ÜLû[ SWG
Utßm ûUdúWô ÁhPo TVuTÓj§ A[®Pp (Identify the types
of cables and measure conductor size using SWG & micrometer) 59
1.2.20 NôRôWQ ØßdÏ CûQl×, úSo CûQl×, “T”CûQl×
Utßm ùYvPou ë²Vu CûQlûT RVôo ùNnRp
(Make a simple twist, married, Tee and western union joints)
(QR Code Pg No 62)* 62
1.2.21 ©¬hPô²Vô úSo CûQl×, ©¬hPô²Vô “T” CûQl×,
GXõYôp (rat tail) CûQl× RVôo ùNnRp (Make a Britannia straight.
Britannia “T” (tee), rat tail joints) 67
1.2.22 CûQl×Ls/ X@dûL úNôpP¬e ùNnÙm T«t£
(Practice in soldering of joints/lugs) (QR Code Pg No 70)* 70
1.2.23 UG úL©°u TpúYß TôLeLû[ LiP±Rp, CuÑúXNû]
¿dÏRp Utßm TôÕLôl×dLôL Uû\l×dLhÓ úTôÓRp
(Identify various parts, skining and dressing of underground cable) 74
1.2.24 ùYqúYß YûL UG úL©sL°p úSo CûQl× RVôo ùNnRp
(Make a straight joint of different types of underground cable) 76
1.2.25 ùUdLûW TVuTÓj§ UG úL©°u CuÑúXNu ªuRûPûV
úNôRû]«Pp (Test insulation resistance of underground cable using
Megger) 80
1.2.26 UG úL©°p Ïû\TôÓLÞdÏ úNôRû]«Pp Utßm
Ïû\TôhûP ¿dÏRp (Test under ground cable for faults and remove
the fault) 82