Page 21 - Electrician 1st year - TP - Kannada
P. 21

72. Practice wiring of hostel and residen-
                                                  tial building as per IE rules. (15 Hrs.)

                                               73. Practice wiring of institute and work-
                                                  shop as per IE rules. (15 Hrs.)
                                               74. Practice testing / fault detection of
                                                  domestic and industrial wiring instal-
                                                  lation and repair. (15Hrs.)

             Professional   Plan  and  prepare   75. Prepare pipe earthing and measure   Importance of Earthing.
             Skill 25 Hrs.;  Earthing  installa-  earth  resistance  by  earth  tester  /  Plate  earthing  and  pipe  earthing
                            tion.                 megger. (10 Hrs.)                methods and IEE regulations.
             Professional   (NOS: PSS/         76. Prepare plate earthing and measure  Earth resistance and earth leakage
             Knowledge      N6002)                earth  resistance  by  earth  tester  /  circuit breaker. (5 Hrs.)
             07 Hrs.                              megger. (10 Hrs.)
                                               77. Test  earth  leakage  by  ELCB  and
                                                  relay. (5 Hrs.)
              Professional  Plan and execute   78. Install light fitting with reflectors for  Laws of Illuminations.
              Skill 45Hrs.;  electrical illumina-  direct and indirect lighting. (10 Hrs.)  Types of illumination system.
                            tion  system  and   79. Group different wattage of lamps in
                            test.                                                   Illumination  factors,  intensity  of
              Professional   (NOS: N/A)           series for specified voltage. (5 Hrs.)  light.
              Know ledge                       80. Practice installation of various lamps   Type of lamps, advantages/ dis-
              10Hrs.                              e.g. fluorescent tube, HP mercury va-  advantages and their applications.
                                                  pour, LP mercury vapour, HP sodium
                                                  vapour,  LP  sodium  vapour,  metal  Calculations  of  lumens  and  ef-
                                                  halide etc. (18 Hrs.)             ficiency. (10 hrs.)
                                               81. Prepare  decorative  lamp  circuit  to
                                                  produce rotating light effect/running
                                                  light effect. (6 Hrs.)
                                               82. Install light fitting for show case light-
                                                  ing. (6 Hrs.)

             Professional  Select and perform   83. Practice on various analog and digi-  Classification of electrical instru-
             Skill 50 Hrs.;  measurements us-     tal measuring Instruments. (5 Hrs.)  ments  and  essential  forces  re-
                            ing analog / digital   84. Practice on measuring instruments   quired in indicating instruments.
                            instruments  and      in single and three phase circuits   PMMC  and  Moving  iron  instru-
             Professional  install/  diagnose     e.g. multi-meter, Wattmeter, Energy   ments.
             Knowledge  smart meters.             meter, Phase sequence meter and
             08 Hrs.                              Frequency meter etc. (12Hrs.)    Measurement of various electrical
                            (NOS:  PSS/                                            parameters using different analog
                            N1707)             85. Measure power in three phase cir-  and digital instruments.
                                                  cuit using two wattmeter methods.
                                                  (8 Hrs.)                         Measurement of energy in three
                                                                                   phase circuit.
                                               86. Measure power factor in three phase
                                                  circuit by using power factor meter   Automatic  meter  reading  infra-
                                                  and verify the same with voltmeter,   structures and Smart meter.
                                                  ammeter and wattmeter readings.   Concept of Prosumer and distrib-
                                                  (10Hrs.)                         uted generation.
                                               87. Measure electrical parameters using   Electrical supply requirements of
                                                  tong tester in three phase circuits.   smart  meter,  Detecting/clearing
                                                  (08Hrs.)                         the tamper notifications of meter.
                                               88. Demonstrate Smart Meter, its physi-  (08 hrs.)
                                                  cal components and Communica-
                                                  tion components. (03 Hrs.)

                                               89. Perform meter readings, install and
                                                  diagnose smart meters. (04 Hrs.)

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