Page 87 - Fashion Design Technology-TP- Hindi
P. 87
13 Insert needle at B, inside first loop, making sure needle
is in the same hole.
14 Bring out the needle at c (Fig 2) Pull through
15 Continue this process till end.
TASK 7: Practice cable chain stitch
1 Mark a straight line on the material to form a cable
chain stitch using pencil& ruler.
2 Place the cloth on the frame
3 Adjust the tension of the frame, using the screw
4 The stitches should not be started with knot.
5 Treadle the needle using embroidery thread
6 Bring the thread up at A and pull through
7 Hold the needle in right hand
8 Keep the thread in left and around the thread and needle
(Fig 1)
9 Hold the thread in left hand
10 Insert the needle at B and bring out the needle at C
(Fig 2)
11 Continue this process till end.
TASK 8: Practice of Lazy daisy stitch on the material (cloth)
1 Select the suitable needle and thread as the quality of
the thread in the needle point direction through the
material for stitching. 9 Bring the needle up at ‘B’ as shown in figure and pull
loop (Fig 2)
2 Place the cloth on the wooden frame
3 Tight the cloth by using the adjustment screw.
4 Check the tension of the cloth.
5 Bring the needle at ‘A’ (Fig 1)
10 Insert the needle at ‘B’ as shown in figure 2.
11 Form the tack stitch on the out side of the loop(Fig 2)
टयास् 9: िबल लेज़ी िेज़ी स््टिच का अभ्ास किे
12 Bring the needle out at ‘C’ for next petal.(Fig 2)
Practice double lazy daisy stitch
1 पेंस�सल और रूलर C कया उपयोग करके �पछली लेजी डेज़ी �सलयाई के
13 Continue the same procedure of lazy daisy stitch to ध्यान दें: अपनी उंिली की सुिक्षा के डलए डसलाई किते
चयारों ओर रूपरेखया को �च�नित करें
6 Pull the thread through the point ‘A’ 1 Mark the out line all around the previous lazy daisy समय सुई कयो खींचने के डलए हमेशा दाडहने हाथ की मध्यमा
complete the design
stitch by using the pencil and ruler C.
7 Make a loop in the direction of the end of petal. 2 उसी रंग कया एक और शेड लें जो लगभग 25 सेमेी से 30 सेमेी लंबया उंिली में डथम्बल का उपययोि किें।
Practice double lazy daisy stitch
Note: Do not pull the loops up too lightly.
8 Insert the needle again in the same hole at ‘A’ 2 Take another shade of same colour thread about 25
To avoid twist in the yarn take out the needle
1 Mark the out line all around the previous lazy daisy
cm to 30 cm long.
from the nearest petal.
stitch by using the pencil and ruler C.
3 धयागे को सूई के छे द मेें डयालें
3 Insert the thread through the eye of the needle.
2 Take another shade of same colour thread about 25
4 Set the material (cloth ) on the embroidery frame.
4 कढ़याई के फ्े मे पर सयामेग्ी (कपड़या) सेट करें
cm to 30 cm long.
5 Check the tension of the cloth. Start stitching following
3 Insert the thread through the eye of the needle.
5 कपड़े के तनयाव की जयाँच करें लेजी डेज़ी �सलयाई की �पछली �सलयाई से
the same procedure with larger than the previous stitch
64 Apparel : Fashion Design and Technology (NSQF - Revised 2022) - Exercise 1.4.12
बड़ी �सलयाई के सयाथ उसी प्र�रियया कया पयालन करनया शुरू करें।
4 Set the material (cloth ) on the embroidery frame. Note: To protect your finger always use the
of lazy daisy stitch.
5 Check the tension of the cloth. Start stitching following thimble in the middle finger of right hand for
6 �टरिमेर कया उपयोग करके धयागे को �टरिमे करें।
6 Trim the thread by using trimmer.
pulling the needle while stitching.
the same procedure with larger than the previous stitch
7 Finish the stitch on wrong side using a knot. Note: To protect your finger always use the
of lazy daisy stitch.
8 A third row of stitch may then be followed. (Fig 1)
टयास् 10: बटन हयोल स््टिच का अभ्ास किें thimble in the middle finger of right hand for
6 Trim the thread by using trimmer.
pulling the needle while stitching.
7 Finish the stitch on wrong side using a knot.
1 कपड़े पर एक जोड़ी समेयानयांतर रेखया खींस�चए 11 इसके �वपरीत टयांके लगयाएं
8 A third row of stitch may then be followed. (Fig 1) 12 टयांके को टषै�कं ग टयांके के सयाथ सयामेग्ी के गलत सयाइड पर समेयाप्त करें
TASK 10: Practice button hole stitch
2 कपड़े को कढ़याई के फ्े मे पर ठीक करें
1 Draw a pair of parallel line on the cloth
3 कपड़े के तनयाव की जयाँच करें
2 Fix the cloth on the embroidery frame
TASK 10: Practice button hole stitch
4 30-35 सेंटीमेीटर लंबयाई के कढ़याई के तीन धयागों कया उपयोग करके
3 Check the tension of the cloth
1 Draw a pair of parallel line on the cloth
सुई मेें �परोएं
4 Thread the needle using three strands of embroidery
2 Fix the cloth on the embroidery frame
5 धयागे को A पर बयांधें
skein thread of 30-35 cm length
3 Check the tension of the cloth
5 Fasten the thread at A
6 �च�नित �बंदु ‘A’ पर सुई को गलत �दशया से दयाईं ओर छे दें
4 Thread the needle using three strands of embroidery
6 Pierce the needle from wrong side to right side at
skein thread of 30-35 cm length
marked point ‘A’.
5 Fasten the thread at A
1 टांके की शुरुआत िांठ से नहीं किनी चाडहए
6 Pierce the needle from wrong side to right side at
2 टाँके बाएँ से दाएँ , डसलाई आपकी ओि की जानी
1 The stitches should not be started with knot
marked point ‘A’.
2 The stitches should be done from left to
right, stitching towards you.
7 �बंदु ‘A’ से धयागे को बयाहर �नकयालें
1 The stitches should not be started with knot
7 Bring the thread out through point ‘A’
8 अपने बयाएं अंगूठे कया उपयोग करके धयागे को पकड़ें, �बंदु ‘B’ पर सुई
2 The stitches should be done from left to
8 Hold the thread using your left thumb, insert the needle
right, stitching towards you.
डयालें और ‘C’ �बंदु पर बयाहर लयाएं (Fig 1)
at point ‘B’ and /bring out at the point ‘C’. (Fig 1)
7 Bring the thread out through point ‘A’
नयोट: धािा सुई के नीचे डबंदु ‘C’ से िुजिना चाडहए।
Note : The thread should pass under the needle
8 Hold the thread using your left thumb, insert the needle
at point ‘C’
9 बटन होल ल्स्च बनयाने के �लए �बंदु ‘D’ पर सुई डयालें (Fig 2)
at point ‘B’ and /bring out at the point ‘C’. (Fig 1)
9 Insert the needle at point ‘D’ to form the button hole
10 सुई को �बंदु ‘E’ से बयाहर �नकयालें। (Fig 2)
Note : The thread should pass under the needle
stitch. (Fig 2)
at point ‘C’ 11 Follow the stitches vice versa.
10 Take out the needle at point ‘E’. (Fig 2)
परिधान : फै शन डिजाइन औि प्रौद्योडिकी (NSQF संशयोडधत 2022) - अभ्ास 1.4.12
9 Insert the needle at point ‘D’ to form the button hole 12 End the stitches at wrong side of the material with
stitch. (Fig 2) tacking stitches.
11 Follow the stitches vice versa.
10 Take out the needle at point ‘E’. (Fig 2)
TASK 11: Practice closed feather stitch 12 End the stitches at wrong side of the material with
tacking stitches.
1 Draw 2 parallel lines at equal intervals of 0.75cm each 6 Insert the needle at B and pull it out at C (Fig 1)
at a distance of 2 cm from the previous stitch line.
TASK 11: Practice closed feather stitch
2 Fix the cloth on the frame.
1 Draw 2 parallel lines at equal intervals of 0.75cm each 6 Insert the needle at B and pull it out at C (Fig 1)
3 Thread the needle.
at a distance of 2 cm from the previous stitch line.
4 Wear thimble at your middle finger
2 Fix the cloth on the frame.
5 Fasten the thread at A
3 Thread the needle.
4 Wear thimble at your middle finger 65
Apparel : Fashion Design and Technology (NSQF - Revised 2022) - Exercise 1.4.12
5 Fasten the thread at A
Apparel : Fashion Design and Technology (NSQF - Revised 2022) - Exercise 1.4.12 65