Page 86 - Fashion Design Technology-TP- Hindi
P. 86
at C-D and pull it out. (Fig 5)
12 Continue the process till the end of the row. (Fig 6)
13 Fasten the thread and trim it.
14 Again fasten the thread and stitch a row of interlacing
stem stitches closer to the previous row of stitches ,
till its end.
15 Repeat the process till the width of the straight stitches
9 Interlace the needle in the first straight straight(i.e)at
are filled using the stem stitches.
A-B. (Fig 4)
10 Hold the thread and pull through carefully.
TASK 6: Practice chain stitch 11 Interlace the needle through the second straight stitch
1 Mark a straight line on the material to form a chain 13 पहले लूप के अंदर B पर सुई डयालें, सु�न�चित करें �क सुई उसी छे द मेें
stitch using pencil and ruler.
2 Place the cloth on the frame
14 सुई को c पर बयाहर �नकयालें (Fig 2) 15 के मेयाध्यमे से खींचो इस प्र�रियया
3 Adjust the tension of the frame, using the screw
को अंत तक जयारी रखें।
4 The stitches should not be started with knot
5 Treadle the needle using embroidery thread 13 Insert needle at B, inside first loop, making sure needle
13 Insert needle at B, inside first loop, making sure needle
is in the same hole.
6 Bring the needle at A pull through 9 सुई को िं दे मेें से खींचकर अपनी ओर नीचे करें
is in the same hole.
9 Pull the needle through loop and down towards you
13 Insert needle at B, inside first loop, making sure needle
14 Bring out the needle at c (Fig 2) Pull through
is in the same hole.
7 Mark a loop down and around to the right side holding 10 िं दे को बहुत ज्यादया कस कर ऊपर न खींचें
14 Bring out the needle at c (Fig 2) Pull through
10 Do not pull a loop up too tightly
15 Continue this process till end.
thread with left thumb 15 Continue this process till end.
14 Bring out the needle at c (Fig 2) Pull through
11 Make a loop down and around to the right side
8 Insert needle at A into the same hole and taken out at 11 दया�हनी ओर नीचे और चयारों ओर एक लूप बनयाएं
15 Continue this process till end.
B (Fig 1) 12 Hold the thread down with left thumb
12 धयागे को बयाएं अंगूठे से नीचे पकड़ें
Apparel : Fashion Design and Technology (NSQF - Revised 2022) - Exercise 1.4.12 63
TASK 7: Practice cable chain stitch
TASK 7: Practice cable chain stitch
टयास् 7: के बल चेन स््टिच का अभ्ास किें
1 Mark a straight line on the material to form a cable
TASK 7: Practice cable chain stitch
chain stitch using pencil& ruler. बल चेन �सलयाई बनयाने के �लए
1 पेंस�सल और रूलर कया उपयोग करके के
1 Mark a straight line on the material to form a cable
chain stitch using pencil& ruler.
सयामेग्ी पर एक सीधी रेखया को �च�नित करें।
1 Mark a straight line on the material to form a cable
2 Place the cloth on the frame
chain stitch using pencil& ruler.
2 Place the cloth on the frame
2 कपड़े को फ्े मे पर रखें
3 Adjust the tension of the frame, using the screw
2 Place the cloth on the frame
3 Adjust the tension of the frame, using the screw
3 स्कू कया उपयोग करके फ्े मे के तनयाव को समेयायो�जत करें
4 The stitches should not be started with knot.
3 Adjust the tension of the frame, using the screw
4 The stitches should not be started with knot.
4 टयांकों की शुरुआत गयांठ से नहीं करनी चया�हए।
5 Treadle the needle using embroidery thread
4 The stitches should not be started with knot.
5 Treadle the needle using embroidery thread
6 Bring the thread up at A and pull through
5 कढ़याई के धयागे कया उपयोग करके सुई को चलयाएं
5 Treadle the needle using embroidery thread
6 Bring the thread up at A and pull through
7 Hold the needle in right hand
6 धयागे को A पर ऊपर लयाएँ और खीचें
6 Bring the thread up at A and pull through
7 Hold the needle in right hand
8 Keep the thread in left and around the thread and needle
7 सुई को दया�हने हयाथ मेें पकड़ें
7 Hold the needle in right hand
8 Keep the thread in left and around the thread and needle
(Fig 1)
8 धयागे को बयाईं ओर और धयागे और सुई के चयारों ओर रखें (Fig 1)
(Fig 1)
8 Keep the thread in left and around the thread and needle
9 Hold the thread in left hand
(Fig 1)
9 Hold the thread in left hand
9 धयागे को बयाएं हयाथ मेें पकड़ें
10 Insert the needle at B and bring out the needle at C
9 Hold the thread in left hand
10 Insert the needle at B and bring out the needle at C
(Fig 2)
10 सुई को B पर डयालें और सुई को C पर बयाहर �नकयालें (Fig 2)
(Fig 2)
10 Insert the needle at B and bring out the needle at C
11 Continue this process till end.
11 इस प्र�रियया को अंत तक जयारी रखें।
(Fig 2)
11 Continue this process till end.
11 Continue this process till end.
TASK 8: Practice of Lazy daisy stitch on the material (cloth)
TASK 8: Practice of Lazy daisy stitch on the material (cloth)
1 Select the suitable needle and thread as the quality of
टयास् 8: सामग्ी (कपड़े) पि लेजी िेज़ी डसलाई का अभ्ास किे 9 Bring the needle up at ‘B’ as shown in figure and pull
TASK 8: Practice of Lazy daisy stitch on the material (cloth)Bring the needle up at ‘B’ as shown in figure and pull
1 Select the suitable needle and thread as the quality of 9 the thread in the needle point direction through the
material for stitching.
1 �सलयाई के �लए सयामेग्ी की गुर्वत्या के रूप मेें उपयुति सुई और धयागे 6 धयागे को �बंदु ‘A’ से खींचो
material for stitching.
the thread in the needle point direction through the
loop (Fig 2)
1 Select the suitable needle and thread as the quality of 9 Bring the needle up at ‘B’ as shown in figure and pull
2 Place the cloth on the wooden frame
loop (Fig 2)
कया चयन करें
the thread in the needle point direction through the
material for stitching.
2 Place the cloth on the wooden frame 7 पंखुड़ी के �सरे की �दशया मेें एक लूप बनयाएं
3 Tight the cloth by using the adjustment screw.
loop (Fig 2)
2 कपड़े को लकड़ी के फ्े मे पर रखें 8 ‘A’ के उसी छे द मेें �िर से सुई डयालें
2 Place the cloth on the wooden frame
3 Tight the cloth by using the adjustment screw.
4 Check the tension of the cloth.
4 Check the tension of the cloth. को कस लें
3 Tight the cloth by using the adjustment screw.
3 समेयायोजन पेंच कया उपयोग करके कपड़े 9 सुई को ‘B’ पर ऊपर लयाएं जषैसया �क �चत्र मेें �दखयायया गयया हषै और धयागे
5 Bring the needle at ‘A’ (Fig 1)
4 Check the tension of the cloth.
5 Bring the needle at ‘A’ (Fig 1)
4 कपड़े के तनयाव की जयाँच करें को सुई की �दशया मेें लूप के मेयाध्यमे से खींचें (Fig 2)
5 Bring the needle at ‘A’ (Fig 1)
5 सुई को ‘A’ पर लयाएं (Fig 1) 10 Fig 2 मेें दशया्णए अनुसयार सुई को ‘B’ पर डयालें।
11 लूप के बयाहर की तरि टषैक ल्स्च बनयाएं (Fig 2)
12 अगली पंखुड़ी के �लए सुई को ‘C’ पर बयाहर लयाएं (Fig 2)
10 Insert the needle at ‘B’ as shown in figure 2.
13 �डजयाइन को पूरया करने के �लए लेजी डेज़ी �सलयाई की इसी प्र�रियया को
10 Insert the needle at ‘B’ as shown in figure 2.
11 Form the tack stitch on the out side of the loop(Fig 2)
जयारी रखें
10 Insert the needle at ‘B’ as shown in figure 2.
11 Form the tack stitch on the out side of the loop(Fig 2)
12 Bring the needle out at ‘C’ for next petal.(Fig 2)
नयोट: फं दे कयो बहुत हल्े से ऊपि न खींचें। सूत में मियोड़ से
11 Form the tack stitch on the out side of the loop(Fig 2)
12 Bring the needle out at ‘C’ for next petal.(Fig 2)
13 Continue the same procedure of lazy daisy stitch to
बचने के डलए डनकटतम पंखुड़ी से सुई डनकाल लें।
6 Pull the thread through the point ‘A’ 13 Continue the same procedure of lazy daisy stitch to
12 Bring the needle out at ‘C’ for next petal.(Fig 2)
complete the design
6 Pull the thread through the point ‘A’ 13 Continue the same procedure of lazy daisy stitch to
complete the design
7 Make a loop in the direction of the end of petal.
Note: Do not pull the loops up too lightly.
6 Pull the thread through the point ‘A’
7 Make a loop in the direction of the end of petal. complete the design
8 Insert the needle again in the same hole at ‘A’
Note: Do not pull the loops up too lightly.
70 परिधान : फै शन डिजाइन औि प्रौद्योडिकी (NSQF संशयोडधत 2022) - अभ्ास 1.4.12
To avoid twist in the yarn take out the needle
7 Make a loop in the direction of the end of petal.
8 Insert the needle again in the same hole at ‘A’ To avoid twist in the yarn take out the needle
from the nearest petal.
Note: Do not pull the loops up too lightly.
8 Insert the needle again in the same hole at ‘A’ from the nearest petal.
To avoid twist in the yarn take out the needle
from the nearest petal.
64 Apparel : Fashion Design and Technology (NSQF - Revised 2022) - Exercise 1.4.12
64 Apparel : Fashion Design and Technology (NSQF - Revised 2022) - Exercise 1.4.12
64 Apparel : Fashion Design and Technology (NSQF - Revised 2022) - Exercise 1.4.12