Page 82 - Fashion Design Technology-TP- Hindi
P. 82

Practice back stitch
 TASK 3:
       5 Insert the needle from the wrong side from ‘B’ and bring
 1 Cut two cotton fabric pieces of size 10cm  × 6cm.
 (Fig 1)
          to the right side.
       6 Insert needle again through A and bring it out at ‘C’.
 Fig 1
          Again insert the needle at ‘B’ and bring it out at ‘D’.
          (Fig 3)
       7 Continue this procedure till the fabric end.
        Fig 3
 2 Fix one fabric over the other fabric using ball pin.
 3 Draw a horizontal line at middle of the fabric.
 4 Mark equal stitch length with distance of 0.5cm on the
 fabric.  (Fig 2) naming (abcd..)
       8 The finished piece is shown in (Fig 4).
 Fig 2
        Fig 4
 Practice over cashing
 TASK 4:
       3 Insert the needle through the fold at point ‘A’ little above
 1 Cut one cotton fabric pieces of size 10cm × 6cm.
          the mark ‘A’.  (Fig 3)
 (Fig 1)
        Fig 3
 Fig 1
 2 Take one piece of fabric and fold the edge to 1.5cm.
       4 Insert at point ‘b’ pick up 1 to 2 threads of the main
 (Fig 2) Mark equal stitch length of 0.5cm
          material fabric and bring the needle through the folded
          top fabric.
 Fig 2
       5 Again insert at the point C and continues the stitch
          and finish till the end of the fabric. (Fig 4)
        Fig 4
       TASK 5:
                Practice whip stitch
 Apparel : Fashion Design and Technology  (NSQF - Revised 2022) - Exercise 1.4.11  59
                Practice whip stitch
       TASK 5:
                Practice whip stitch
       TASK 5:
                Practice whip stitch
       TASK 5:
       TASK 5:
                 Practice whip stitch
       टयास् 5: स्हिप स््टिच का अभ्ास किें
       1 Cut two cotton fabric pieces of size 10cm × 6cm.   4 Insert the needle through the fold of an piece and bring
                                                            4 Insert the needle through the fold of an piece and bring
       1 Cut two cotton fabric pieces of size 10cm × 6cm.
       1 Cut two cotton fabric pieces of size 10cm × 6cm.   4 Insert the needle through the fold of an piece and bring
          (Fig 1)
                                                            4 Insert the needle through the fold of an piece and bring
       1 Cut two cotton fabric pieces of size 10cm × 6cm.
                                                               it at point ‘a’.
          (Fig 1)
                                                               it at point ‘a’.
       1 Cut two cotton fabric pieces of size 10cm × 6cm.
                                                            4 Insert the needle through the fold of an piece and bring
       1  सूती कपड़े के  10 cm x 6 cm आकयार के  दो टुकड़े कयाटें (Fig 1)  4  सुई को एक टुकड़े की तह मेें डयालें और इसे �बंदु ‘a’ पर लयाएँ
                                                               it at point ‘a’.
         (Fig 1)
                                                               it at point ‘a’.
          (Fig 1)
                                                            5 Take the needle over the folded edged pieces, pick up
                                                               it at point ‘a’.
          (Fig 1)
                                                            5 Take the needle over the folded edged pieces, pick up
        Fig 1                                               5 Take the needle over the folded edged pieces, pick up
                                                               only a few threads insert from the back piece to theे
         Fig 1
                                                            5 Take the needle over the folded edged pieces, pick up
        Fig 1                                               5  मेुड़े हुए �कनयारे के  टुकड़ों पर सुई लें, पीछे  के  टुकड़े से सयामेने के  टुकड़
                                                               only a few threads insert from the back piece to the
                                                               only a few threads insert from the back piece to the
         Fig 1                                              5 Take the needle over the folded edged pieces, pick up
                                                               only a few threads insert from the back piece to the
         Fig 1                                                 front piece at point ‘b’. (Fig 4)
                                                               तक ‘B’ �बंदु पर डयालें के वल कु छ धयागे उठयाएं  (Fig 4)
                                                               only a few threads insert from the back piece to the
                                                               front piece at point ‘b’. (Fig 4)
                                                               front piece at point ‘b’. (Fig 4)
                                                               front piece at point ‘b’. (Fig 4)
                                                               front piece at point ‘b’. (Fig 4)
                                                             Fig 4
                                                             Fig 4
                                                             Fig 4
                                                             Fig 4
                                                              Fig 4
       2 Fold the edge of the fabric piece to 1.5cm. (Fig 2)
       2 Fold the edge of the fabric piece to 1.5cm. (Fig 2)
       2 Fold the edge of the fabric piece to 1.5cm. (Fig 2)
       2  कपड़े के  टुकड़े के  �कनयारे को 1.5 सेंमेी. तक मेोड़ें (Fig 2)
       2 Fold the edge of the fabric piece to 1.5cm. (Fig 2)
       2 Fold the edge of the fabric piece to 1.5cm. (Fig 2)
        Fig 2
        Fig 2
        Fig 2
        Fig 2
        Fig 2                                               6 Standard stitches will be produced on the finished edge.
                                                            6 Standard stitches will be produced on the finished edge.
                                                            6 Standard stitches will be produced on the finished edge.
                                                            6  तषैययार �कनयारे पर मेयानक टयांके  बनयाए जयाएं गे। कपड़े के  आधयार पर टयांके
                                                               The stitches length may be short or long depending on
                                                            6 Standard stitches will be produced on the finished edge.
                                                               The stitches length may be short or long depending on
                                                            6 Standard stitches will be produced on the finished edge.
                                                               The stitches length may be short or long depending on
                                                               की लंबयाई छोटी यया लंबी हो सकती हषै। (Fig 5)
                                                               The stitches leng
                                                               the fabric. (Fig 5)th may be short or long depending on
                                                               the fabric. (Fig 5)
                                                               The stitches length may be short or long depending on
                                                               the fabric. (Fig 5)
                                                               the fabric. (Fig 5)
                                                               the fabric. (Fig 5)
                                                            7  प्र�रियया जयारी रखें और कपड़े के  अंत तक �सलयाई पूरी करें
                                                             Fig 5
                                                             Fig 5
                                                             Fig 5
                                                             Fig 5
                                                             Fig 5
       3 Fold the other fabric piece hold the pieces right side
       3 Fold the other fabric piece hold the pieces right side
       3 Fold the other fabric piece hold the pieces right side
          facing right together and pin with ball pins.  (Fig 3)
       3  कपड़े के  दू सरे टुकड़े को मेोड़ें, टुकड़ों को दया�हनी ओर एक सयाथ पकड़ें  7 Continue the procedure and complete the stitch till the
       3 Fold the other fabric piece hold the pieces right side
          facing right together and pin with ball pins.  (Fig 3)
       3 Fold the other fabric piece hold the pieces right side
          facing right together and pin with ball pins.  (Fig 3)
                                                            7 Continue the procedure and complete the stitch till the
          facing right together and pin with ball pins.  (Fig 3)
                                                               end of the fabric.
                                                            7 Continue the procedure and complete the stitch till the
          और बॉल �पन से �पन करें (Fig 3)                    7 Continue the procedure and complete the stitch till the
          facing right together and pin with ball pins.  (Fig 3)
                                                               end of the fabric.
                                                               end of the fabric.
                                                               end of the fabric.
        Fig 3                                               7 Continue the procedure and complete the stitch till the

        Fig 3                                                  end of the fabric.
        Fig 3
        Fig 3
        Fig 3
       66                 परिधान : फै शन डिजाइन औि प्रौद्योडिकी (NSQF संशयोडधत 2022) - अभ्ास 1.4.11
       60          Apparel : Fashion Design and Technology  (NSQF - Revised 2022) - Exercise 1.4.11
                   Apparel : Fashion Design and Technology  (NSQF - Revised 2022) - Exercise 1.4.11
       60          Apparel : Fashion Design and Technology  (NSQF - Revised 2022) - Exercise 1.4.11
                   Apparel : Fashion Design and Technology  (NSQF - Revised 2022) - Exercise 1.4.11
       60           Apparel : Fashion Design and Technology  (NSQF - Revised 2022) - Exercise 1.4.11
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