Page 19 - Draughtsaman Civil 1st Year - TP - Gujarathi
P. 19
74. Practice leveling with different • Contouring ;-Definition,
instruments. (04 hrs.) Characteristics, Methods.
75. Check levelling. (04 hrs.) • Direct and Indirect methods
76. Profile levelling or Longitudinal, • Interpolation of Contour,
plotting the profile. (03 hrs.) Contour gradient , Uses of
Contour plan and Map.
77. Surveying of a building site with chain
and Levelling Instrument with a view • Knowledge on road project. (12
to computing earth work. (04 hrs.) hrs.)
78. Contour - Direct and Indirect methods.
(03 hrs.)
79. Make Topography map, contours map.
(04 hrs.)
80. Solve trigonometric problems. (03
81. Prepare a road project in a certain
alignment. (04 hrs.)
Professional Perform a site Theodolite survey:- Theodolite survey:-
Skill 56 Hrs; survey with
Theodolite and 82. Field work of theodolite. (05 hrs.) • Introduction.
Professional prepare site
Knowledge 12 plan. 83. Horizontal angle. (05 hrs.) • Types of theodolite.
Hrs 84. Vertical angle. (05 hrs.) • Uses, Methods of Plotting.
85. Magnetic bearing of a line. (05 hrs.) • Transit vernier theodolite.
86. Levelling with a theodolite. (05 hrs.) • Terms of transit theodolite.
87. Calculation of area from traverse. (04 • Fundamental line of theodolite.
• Adjustment of theodolite.
88. Determination of Heights. (06 hrs.)
• Checks, Adjustment of errors.
89. Calculation of departure, latitude, • Open and closed traverse and
northing and easting- ( 5hrs)
their application to Engineering
90. Setting out work-Building,culvert, Problems.
centre line of Dams,Bridges and
Slope of Earth work, etc. (16hrs) • Vernier scale- types.
• Measurement of horizontal
• Measurement of vertical angle.
• Adjustment of a close traverse.
• Problems in transit theodolite-
departure, latitude, northing and