Page 14 - Draughtsaman Civil 1st Year - TP - Gujarathi
P. 14


                                                Duration: Two Year
                       Reference               Professional Skills
        Duration        Learning                (Trade Practical)              Professional Knowledge
                                                                                    (Trade Theory)
                        Outcome              With Indicative Hours

       Professional  Draw  free  hand  1.  Importance of trade training,    •   Importance of safety and general
       Skill 56Hrs;  sketches of hand     demonstrate tools &equipments used   precautions observed in the in the
       Professional   tools  used  in  civil   in the trade.(02 hrs)           industry/shop floor. All necessary
       Knowledge     work following    2.  Importance of housekeeping & good   guidance to be provided to the
       14Hrs         safety precautions.  shop floor practices. (02 hrs)       new comers to become familiar
                                                                               with the working of Industrial
                                       Occupational Safety & Health :          Training Institute system including
                                       3.  Introduction to safetyequipmentsand   stores procedures. Soft Skills: its
                                          their  uses.  Introduction  of  first  aid.   importance and
                                          Health, Safety andEnvironment     •   Job area after completion of
                                          guidelines, legislations & regulations   training.
                                          as applicable.(04 hrs)
                                                                            •   Introduction of First aid.
                                       4.  Disposal procedure of wastematerials   Introduction of PPEs. Introduction
                                          of the trade. (03hrs)                to 5S concept& its application.
                                       5.  Personal protective Equipments   •   Response  to  emergencies  e.g.;
                                          (PPE):-Basic injuryprevention, Basic   power failure, fire alarm, etc.    (07
                                          first aid. (04hrs)                   hrs.)
                                       6.  Hazard identification and avoidance,
                                          safety  signs  for  Danger,  Warning,
                                          caution & personal safety message.
                                       7.  Preventive  measures  forelectrical
                                          accidents & Carpenter works :-
                                          steps tobe taken insuchaccidents. (02
                                       8.  Use of Fire extinguishers.(08hrs)

                                        9.  Awareness  about  the  job-sheets  •   Familiarisation&  information
                                          made by the ex. Trainees. (02hrs)     about rules and regulations of
                                        10. Use of drawing instruments and      the Institute and Trade.
                                          equipment with care. (03hrs)       •   Overview of the subjects to be
                                        11. Method of fixing of drawing sheet on   taught for each year.
                                          the drawing board. (03hrs)         •   List  of  the  Instruments,
                                        12. Layout of different size ofDrawing   equipments and materials to be
                                          sheets and foldingof sheets. (06hrs)  used during training. (07 hrs.)

                                        13. Draw free hand sketch of hand tools
                                          used in civil work.(14hrs)

        Professional   Draw  plane     14. Symbols & conventional            •   Importance of B.I.S.
        Skill 56Hrs;  figures  applying   representation for materials in    •   Introduction of Code for practice
                      drawing             sections  as  per  IS  962-1989,  SP-
        Professional   instruments with   46:2003 for buildingdrawings. (15hrs)  of Architectural and
        Knowledge     proper layout                                          •     Building  Drawings  (IS:  962-
        12Hrs         and  folding  of   15. Lines,  lettering  andDimensioning.   1989, SP-46:2003).
                      drawing sheets.     (24hrs)
                                       16. Construction  of  plaingeometrical   •   Layout of drawing. Lines,
                                          figures. (17hrs)                      Lettering,  Dimensioning.    (12

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