Page 17 - Draughtsaman Civil 1st Year - TP - Gujarathi
P. 17
Perform site Surveying:- Surveying:-
survey with Chain Survey :- (35 hrs.) • Introduction, History and
chain / tape principles of chain survey.
and prepare 41. Equipment and instrument used to
site plan. perform surveying.(06hrs) • Instrument employed.
Perfom site 42. Distance measuring with chainand • Use, care, maintenance and
survey using tape. (08hrs common terms.
p ri sma ti c 43. Entering Field book and plotting. • Classification, accuracy, types.
compassand (05hrs)
prepare site • Main divisions (plane &
plan. 44. Calculating the area of site. (07hrs) geodetic).
Lo 14 ,15to 18 45. Prepare site planwith the helpof • Chaining.
Mouza map. (09hrs
Perform site • Speed in field and office work.
survey with Compass survey:- (42hrs) • Knowledge of Mouza Map.
plane table and 46. Field work of prismatic compass
prepare a map. survey. (07hrs Compass survey:-
• Instrument and its setting up
47. Plotting of prismatic compasssurvey.
(05hrs • Bearing and each included
angle of close traverse.
48. Testing and adjusting thecompass.
(08hrs • Local attraction.
49. Observation of bearings. (08hrs • Magnetic declination and its true
50. Bearing a line. (05hrs
• Precaution in using prismatic
51. F.B.,B.B., R.B.,W.C.B. of compass.
aLine,Traverse and also checkthe
close traversing. (09hrs) Plane table survey:-
Plane Table Survey :- (07hrs) • Instrument used in plane table
52. Surveying of a Building sitewith
Plane Table. (07hrs) • Care and maintenance of plane
table (18 hrs.)
Dr awing of Making detailed drawing of :- • Carpentry joints
different types of :-terms,classification of joints,
carpentry joints. 53. Carpentry joints:- lengthening, Uses, types of fixtures ,
bearing, housing, framing,
Draw different panelling&moulding. (11hrs) fastenings.
types of doors • Doors -Parts, Location, standard
and windows 54. Different Types doors including sizes, types.
according to panelled, glazed and flush door. • Windows-types.
Manner of (11hrs)
construction, 55. Different types windows and • Ventilators-purpose-types. (12
Arrangement ventilators. (06hrs) hrs.)
of component,
and working
Professional Pr epare Electrical Wiring:- Electrical Wiring:-
Skill 84Hrs; the detailed Prepare drawing of • Safety precaution and
drawing of
Professional 56. Wiring in different system.(08hrs) elementary first aid.
Knowledge elect rical • Artificial respiration and
18Hrs wiring system. 57. Electrical wiring plan with all fittings
showing in drawing.(20 hrs) treatment of electrical shock
• Elementary electricity.
• General ideas of supply system.