Page 18 - Draughtsaman Civil 1st Year - TP - Gujarathi
P. 18

•     Wireman’s  tools  kit.  Wiring
                                                                                materials. Electrical fittings.

                                                                             •   System  of  wirings.  Wiring
                                                                                installation for domestic lightings
                                                                                (06 hrs.)

        Professional   Draw types of    Drawing details of:-                  •   Floors - Ground floor & upper
        Skill 28Hrs;  gr ound  and      58. Types of ground & upper floors.     floor-Types.
                      upper floors.
        Professional                      (14hrs)                             •    Flooring- materials used types.
        Knowledge                       59. Various floor finishing, sequence of   (06 hrs.)
                      Draw different      construction. (14hrs)              •   St airs: -      T erms.
                      types of vertical                                         Requirements,Planning  and
                      movement          Drawing  different  forms  of  vertical   designing of stair and details of
                      according to        movements:-                           construction.
                      shape, location,   60. As per shape - Drawing of straight,   •   Basic concept of lift and
                      materials by        open newel,  dog- legged, geometrical   Escalator  (12 hrs.)
                      using stair,        and bifurcated stairs & spiral stairs.
                      lift, ramp and      (18hrs)
                                        61. As per material - brick, stone, wooden,
                                          steel & RCC stairs. (20 hrs)

        Professional   Draw  different   62. Drawing of Lift and Escalator. (18hrs)  Roofs & Roof coverings: -
        Skill 56Hrs;  types of roofs,   Drawing details of:-                 •   purposes,Elements, Types, Fla,
                      truss according
        Professional   t o shape,       63. Slopped/Pitched Roof Truss -        pitched.
        Knowledge     construction,                                          •   Truss-king  post,  queen  post,
        12Hrs         purpose and       King Post and Queen Postroof trusses    mansard,  bel-fast,  steel,
                                          showing detailed connections.
                      span                (23hrs)                               composite.

                                        64. Steel roof trusses showing detailed   •   Roof & coverings - objectives,
                                          connections. (21hrs)                  types  & uses. (18 hrs.)

       Professional    M   a   k   e   65. Wooden roof truss, showing detailed   Levelling:-
       Skill56Hrs;     tropography        connections. (12hrs)
       Professional    map by contours   Levelling:- (03 hrs.)               •   Auto level , dumpy Level, Tilting
                                                                                Level - introduction, definition
       Knowledge       with leveling
       18Hrs           instruments.    66. Handling of levellinginstruments&   •   Principle of levelling.
                                          their settings(04 hrs.)
                                                                             •   Levelling staffs, its graduation
                                       67. Temporary adjustment of alevel. (03   & types.
                                                                             •   Minimum equipment required
                                       68. Simple levelling.
                                                                             •   Types,component / part and
                                       69. Differential levelling (Fly levelling).   function.
                                          (03 hrs.)
                                                                             •   Temporary and permanent
                                       70. Carry out Levelling field book. (03   adjust ment, procedure in setting
                                          hrs.)                                 up.
                                       71. Equate Reduction of levels - Height   •   Level& horizontal surface.
                                          of  collimation  and  Riseand  Fall   Datum Benchmark, Focussing&
                                          method - Comparisonof methods.        parallax
                                          (04 hrs.)
                                                                             •   Deduction of levels / Reduced
                                       72. Solve  problems  on  reduction  of   Level.
                                          levels. (03 hrs.)
                                                                             •   Types of leveling, Application to
                                       73. Calculate  Missing  data  and        chain and Levelling Instrument
                                          how  to  fill  it  up-calculations

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