Page 30 - COPA Vol I of II - TP - Telugu
P. 30
Abstract Classes and Interfaces Explain the following:
in JAVA (15 Hrs) Demonstrate • Concept of Virtual methods.
writing JAVA programs: • Concept of Abstract classes and
24. Create and use virtual methods. methods
25. Create abstract classes and • Features of Abstract Classes
methods. • JAVA Interfaces and their
26. Create interfaces in JAVA. advantages
27. Override methods in JAVA. • Method Overriding in JAVA
28. Create and implement an • Polymorphism in JAVA
interface. • Creating, implementing and
29. Extend interfaces in JAVA. extending interfaces
30. Create and use a package in • Creating and using Packages in
JAVA. JAVA. (6Hrs.)
Troubleshooting Java issues
Download and Install Java, Check
and Verify Java Configurations, Test
Java, Remove Old Versions of Java,
Find Java version, Always redirected
to the
download page
Industrial Visit/Project work / Broad Area:
a) Create and host a web site of at least 6 web pages using JavaScript & CSS containing interactive objects,
functions etc.
b) Create a project with Excel on Payroll Systems.
c) Create a database with MySQL on Library management system.
d) Create project in Python/Java programming language.